The Scott Family Photo Album  


I took a little time today,
To reminisce of yesterday.
To review my life in the past.
Recorded here in photographs.

My album book is really worn,
Some pages are even torn -
Some old pictures have molded,
As before my life unfolded.

Then as I paged through, year by year,
Sometimes I'd shed a little tear.
So many faces I have known,
Some passed away, some others grown.

Sometimes it's hard to realize
When all spread out before my eyes
With all pictures that I took,
My whole life is spread in this little book!

~ Author Unknown ~

(I received this poem through an email from a very dear friend.
If you are the author or know who the author is, please let me know
so I can give credit where credit is due. Thank you.)

Laurie & Roger
Roger & Laurie Scott

Laurie & Roger
Roger & Laurie's First Christmas

Corey Graduation
Corey High School Graduation

Corey Basic Training
Corey Basic Training Graduation

Ian & Me
Ian & Me

Sam & Lady in Rocker
Miss Lady & Mister Samson

Lady In Bed!
Miss Lady In Bed

Sam With Remote!
Master Samson with TV Remote

3 Guys!
Roger, Corey, & Richard

Home  Back to Scott Family's Homepage

Laurie  Back to Laurie's Page

Skier  Back to Roger's World

Screwdriver  Back to Corey's Footlocker

Dog Sleeping  Back to Sam & Lady's Doghouse on the Web

Lighthouse  Back to Scotts' Travels

Thanx Martin for scanning our pictures!
You're the greatest!

Graphics by     

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