April Showers


Seasons In Maine

Ahhhhhhhhhh . . . spring is finally here, and the snow is gone once again! Our lillies and irises are up and blooming, the trees are full, the grass is green, and I am experiencing one of my favorite seasons once again ~ the season of rebirth!

Welcome to the "Vacationland State" ~ the beautiful state of Maine ~ home of Acadia National Park, Baxter State Park, Mount Desert Island, and much, much more. It's currently "Black Fly" and "Mosquito" Season" in Maine, so going outside to work in the garden has pretty much come to a screeching halt, but the summer sun and heat will quickly make the flies and mosquitos seek shelter, and then the heat will keep us indoors near the air conditioner! lol But I'm not complaining . . . this is one of my favorite times of the year (summer, autumn, and fall being the others! *giggle*). We are still enjoying our home outside the city limits, and the only thing I hear now in the morning are the glorious songs of the birds as they play among our pine trees and race each other to the feeders. "Our" turkeys have left for the time being to take cover(it is also Turkey hunting season now in Maine), so the squirrels and chipmunks are enjoying their "buffet" without having to compete with the turkeys. Soon Maine will be gearing up for the summer and the visiting tourists, but right now we Maine-iacs have the state to ourselves as everything begins anew.

Welcome to our holiday pages. They are kept up year round. We hope you enjoy your visit here, and thank you for spending the seasons and the holidays with the Scotts!

We pray all your days are graced with
love, laughter, and rainbows

Roger, Laurie, & Miss Lady


Happy New Year!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Groundhog Day

Wedding Ring Day

Valentine's Day

Presidents Day ~ coming soon

Pet Day

St. Patrick's Day

Good Friday

Easter ~ coming soon

Secretaries Day ~ coming soon

Earth Day ~ coming soon

Nurses' Day

Mother's Day ~ coming soon

Armed Forces Day ~ coming soon

Memorial Day ~ coming soon

Father's Day

Independence Day




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Graphics by Miz Close