Music Box Dancer

We Celebrate Our Awards!

Thank You All So-o-o-o-o Much!

This is a page we are very grateful for.

A lot of love, time, and hard work have been put into these pages, and our heartfelt thanks go to each and every one of these people who recognized that and have blessed us with these awards.

We thank them for the time they have given of themselves to look over our pages and felt we were deserving enough to receive these. God bless them, and please be sure to visit their pages. You'll enjoy the trip!

We proudly display our very first award!
Thanx Sherilynn!!

Thanks Cher!

Thanks so much, Anita!
Your award is perfect just the way it is!

This is a great honor, LunaStar & Fantasia
Lifetime love, laughter, and rainbows to you both!

Thanks Anne! We're honored!

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Laura's Midi Heaven

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