Wings For Greyhounds

Maggie McCurry and Lance

Maggie McCurry and Lanky Lance

Wind Beneath My Wings

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The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them,
but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity.

George Bernard Shaw (1901)

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In 1996, using a small private plane and with the help of volunteer pilots and co-pilots, Maggie McCurry began flying retired racing Greyhounds between Greyhound rescue organizations working at the Arizona racetracks and the outlying Greyhound adoption centers in the Los Angeles, Northern, and Central California areas.

The requests for Greyhound flights grew, and Wings For Greyhounds was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so that they could better assist the various Greyhound rescue and adoption agencies asking for their help with a more reliable and dependable transportation service. Their air service is faster than road travel, they fly "on demand," and the journey by air is much shorter and less stressful on the animals.

Greyhound rescue and adoption organizations that Wings For Greyhounds, Inc. has been privileged to assist include:

- Greyhound Adoption League, Inc.
- Arizona Adopt-A-Greyhound, Inc.
- Retired Racers Greyhound Rescue And Adoption, Inc.
- Greyhound Friends For Life.
- The Retired Greyhound Adoption Service, Inc.

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Fly retired racing Greyhounds between the Greyhound rescue organizations at the race tracks and the outlying Greyhound adoption centers.

Work to generate media interest in their project and help to promote the image of the retired racing Greyhound as an adoptable family pet.

Raise public awareness of the acute problems faced by an estimated 40,000 retired racing Greyhounds each year when their racing days are over.

Present a positive image of General Aviation and show how it can be, and is being used for good in the community.

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Maggie McCurry, initiator of Wings For Greyhounds, Inc. is a commercial pilot with multi-engine and instrument ratings. She is a member of the 99s, the International Organization of Women Pilots, a member of Women In Aviation and AOPA, and has been a licensed pilot for over 10 years.

If you would like more information about the Wings For Greyhounds project, please give them a call at: 1-888-4WE-FLY'M (1-888-493-3596). If they are out of the office flying Greyhounds, please leave a message and they will call you right back!


Visit the new Wings For Greyhounds web page for information on their latest activities.

Or, send e-mail to Daisy Mae for a copy of their latest brochure.

Last Modified: February 20, 1998

Photo Copyright © 1997 by Wings For Greyhounds, Inc.

Music provided by Midi Haven

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