(Ch. Chablais Ouzo x Ch. Gorsebrook's Fire And Rain)
LRC Potomac Specialty Class Winner
Born January 7, 2005 Full pedigree
OVC Hips/Elbows ~ Eyes DACVO cleared annually ~ See Ruby's OVC Xrays Here
Co-owned with Sharon Harris
June '08 Ruby & Sharon complete the Rally Advanced title at the Labrador Owners club, and also made the cut in Best of Breed under Mrs J. Hodge/Naiken, UK
Nov.'07 Ruby receives the Labrador Owners Club All Rounder Pin and Versatility Certificate and is 1st runner-up for the LOC Neville, Worthing, Red Dawn and Mandalwood Trophies
Ruby WINS the Novice Bitch class at Huron River LRC Sept. 07 under breeder-judge Eva Mjelde/Surprising's, Norway!
Ruby WINS the Novice Black Bitch class - of 20 - at LRC of the Potomac April 2007 under breeder-judge Angela Williams/Foulby, UK and competes for Winners Bitch at the largest breed Specialty in the World! Mrs Williams said of Ruby:
"Gorsebrook Ruby Tuesday, lovely headed black, lots of style and quality and with more maturity will look even better, particularly good mover in all directions and has the essentials of correct head, coat and tail"
Roger, Ruby, Angela Williams, Leslie & Sharon
Thanks to friend Roger Bannister/Greenhill for handling Ruby at LRCP.
Also at LRCP, Sharon ran her in Novice A class at both Obedience Trials, taking 1st place with scores of 194 & 195.5....so Ruby brought home 3 Potomac blue 1st place ribbons!
Ruby wins the Working Class at the EOLBA Specialty July '07 under Barbara Gomez/Barclare, USA ANd repeats the same win in July '08 under Janis Granneman/Janrod, Janlon
Ruby makes the cut for Best of Breed at LOC June 3'07 under Lynne Minchella/Abbeystead, UK... along with earning 2 Novice Rally Obedience legs
Ruby then finished her Am. CD with Leslie in early May '07 (191.5).
Ruby completed her CDX title with Sharon and her RN Rally Novice obedience title with Sharon & Leslie August '07
Ruby wins the Working Dog Class at the EOLBA Specialty under Janis Granneman, July 2008
July 2005 Working Certificate
May 2006 Junior Hunter
August 2006 Championship
October 2006 Working Certificate Intermediate
February 2007 Companion Dog
May 2007 Companion Dog (AKC)
August 2007 Rally Novice
August 2007 Companion Dog Excellent
June 2008 Rally Advanced
All working titles Breeder-owners trained and handled. NEW CD Ruby passes 4 for 4 taking High in Class each time to attain her CD obedience title in February '07 with co-owner/trainer Sharon. Well done TEAM! NEW CHAMPION Ruby finished her Championship August 2006 in 2 consecutive weekends; pictured with friend Paul Beturney NEW WCI October 2006 - Ruby passes her Working Certificate Intermediate test with Sharon, below: Fall Colours..................................................To The Line At The Line..............................At Work...............................Watchful WCI Test: off lead - a land double, honour, water double August 2006 Ruby completed her Championship in two straight weekends...with 2 Bests of Breed and a Group 3rd! Expertly handled in part by friend Paul Beturney. A month before that, Ruby won the Canadian Bred Class at the EOLBA Specialty under Judy Chambers (Ghoststone). The Judge's comments about Ruby: " Nice neck to shoulder connection. Beautiful ease of movement. Melting expression and perfect eye shape and color." And before that....... Our new 'kid on the block' Ruby
Ruby earned her Working Certificate title on July 31, 2005....at just 6 months of age.
Whoever says "show dogs can't work" doesn't know Ruby!
Here she is with Leslie at the WC test at 6 months of age:
Well done Puppy!!
Other Accomplishments
EOLBA Specialty 2005 - 3rd 6-9 mos Regular Class-Linda Vaughn (Simmerdown)
EOLBA Specialty 2005 - 3rd 6-9 Sweeps-Roger Bannister (Greenhill)
Valley KC ON June 2005 -Best Puppy in Breed
3rd Open Bitch, Kars,ON July 06
EOLBA Specialty 2006 - 1st Cdn Bred Bitch - Judy Chambers/Ghoststone
TIKO shows August 06 - multiple WB/BW/BB & a Group 3rd
SD&G shows August 06 - 2xWB, BW, Championship
Ruby finishes her Amer. CD at Hamburg NY May 5th with a 191.5
Rally Novice RN title August 12 '07; CDX August 18'07
Ruby below at 15 months showing her lovely expression and beautiful reach of neck:
Above at 5 weeks of age
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