HI! My name is RANGER...
......and I'm a Search and Rescue Dog!!
SR Ch Miron's Lord of The Rings WCI JH X
Ch. Gorsebrook Mesa at Greenhill WC JH Born Sept.19, 2004 Co-bred with Roger Bannister (Greenhill) This typical Gorsebrook pup has a wonderful laid back temperament, is highly intelligent (trainable), has keen retrieving drive and is of very handsome English type - very good bone and substance without being overdone. A sturdy boy, this pup has already begun an adventure that will take him far and wide - helping find lost people and helping calm those in stressful situations as a Search and Rescue Dog.
Ranger is a graduate of the Gorsebrook Advanced * PUPPY HEADSTART PROGRAM * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My eyes are your eyes to search the dark My ears are your ears to hear a cry for help
My nose is your nose to find lost or missing
MY LIFE IS ALSO YOURS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RANGER HELPS IN AFTERMATH OF HURRICANE KATRINA, LOUISIANA Ranger and David with partners Joanne and Angel bring solice as well as SAR & paramedic assistance to those working in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, September 2005. There's nothing like patting a puppy to bring some joy back into stressful situations..... Ranger (standing) with Angel and troops.........................Joanne & Angel, David & Ranger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David and Ranger Ranger's Dam,
Mesa, is Gorsebrook Hope And Glory's litter sister, both sired by Am Ch Hennings Mill Talimar Martin WC.
Mesa and Glory's brothers, Scout and Murphy, can be seen Here . Mesa gained her Working Certificate at the LRCC National in June 2005; she finished her Championship a few weeks later, then finished her JH in later Summer 2005 - a very successful year! Mesa also has Specialty class placements. Ranger's Sire, Yuma, is a Cdn Champion, is AKC pointed with one major and 12 points and has ample proven working credentials and ability. Both Mesa and Yuma are owned by Roger & Caroline Bannister,
Greenhill Labrador Retrievers, Avonmore, ON. Pictured at...
9 weeks of age
Such a sweet boy!
David & Ranger
at 8 months old
in training