Welcome to The HomeBirth Ring!
This ring was created to join those families who have chosen to give birth at home. It is meant to recognize the joy, reward and spirituality that is associated with a child's gentle and loving entrance into the world.
To join, enter your information in the spaces provided:
You will receive an e-mail stating that your request will be processed. The html code that you will need to add to your page will be included. While you're waiting, be sure to copy both of the gif's (hbr.gif and nexts.gif) so that you can add them to the logo.
Once you have joined the ring, if you'd like to edit your information, you may do so from here:
If you'd like to visit the homepage of the creator of this ring, stop by The Bichsel's.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not necessarily agree with the entire contents on each of the sites included in The HomeBirth Ring. The HomeBirth Ring is provided as a way to network families and care providers so that we can share information, ideas and resources.