Jacob David’s Beautiful Birth
5 lbs. 3 oz.
18 in.
DOB 10/16/97
1:46 pm
5 hrs 15 min of labor
On Wed, Nov 15th, our midwife, doula and the kids, dh and I met in our home to discuss the final birth plans. We were together from 7pm-11pm. Just before our midwife left, she did an internal to see if the occasional bh’s I was having had started anything. I was 60% effaced and 2 cm. She said to expect some light contractions due to the exam.
From the time she left, I started having contractions. They varied in length from 10, 6, 5, and 3 min apart. Never more than 10 min. between. I decided to give her a call at 2 am because I was too excited and uncomfortable to sleep. She suggested that I take a hot bath and some sleepy-time tea to see if things would settle down. They did not. I tried to get some rest on the couch in the living room so dh could get a good night sleep and I could answer the door when she arrived.
She checked me at 4:45 am and nothing had changed. We thought it was false labor due to the full moon. We chatted until 6am and I decided to join my husband in bed and get some sleep and our midwife rested on the couch. At 8:30 am, when Mike was getting ready for work, the contractions had still not stopped or regulated but were noticeably more intense. When Mike said that he was going to go into work, I suggested that he stay home. He said that he couldn’t very well stay home if this was false labor, because I would need him when the real time came. I burst into tears. He comforted me and said he’d stay and when he told our midwife, she thought it was a good idea.
She checked me at 10 am and I was 7-8 cm! Quite a shock to all of us. Judy consulted another midwife and gave her the situation and they prayed about it. There was a question about whether to procede because Jacob wasn't at the 37 week mark just yet. We all were sure that the Lord wanted him to arrive right were he was. At that point, all contractions stopped and I enjoyed about 45 min of no labor pains, and I sat on the bed and watched them work. :) They began to prepare for the home delivery, covering the floor, changing sheets, etc. Then, Mike and I had time alone. We rested on our bed together with the tape of the ocean waves in the background and cuddled and giggled. Contractions started up soon after, full-force. Mike timed and predicted each one (to my annoyance-Lol!). The kids were downstairs coloring and watching videos.
I asked Mike to call in the midwife and doula when I felt the urge to push. The kids stayed downstairs and contentedly watched their movie. I was on all fours beside the bed making gentle pushes as I felt the urge. Soon, I felt a warm trickle on my feet (I thought it was urine at the time). It was clear amniotic fluid. A couple of contractions later, there was a loud noise and the bag of waters made a very powerful burst all over the place. The floor was mostly covered for protection, but our doula did get wet!
The midwife asked if I would now like to transfer to the bed where I had planned to deliver. I tried to stand because my legs were tired from being on all fours for so long. Mike and Heather held each arm. I could not imagine how I was going to get on the bed, it seemed so far away. Soon I was leaning against the wall with pillows propped behind me and tons of chux pads underneath. When Jacob started to crown, the doula called in the kids. They watched in amazment. The midwife checked to see if the cord was wrapped around his head. It was. She tried to loop it but it wouldn’t come. She asked me to hold off on pushing. I couldn’t. She told me to reach down and touch his head. I remember thinking, "I want to hold the whole baby, not touch his head!" I gave one last push and the lubrication that was used to help stretch me and prevent tearing allowed him to come out very quickly. Before anyone could react, he was on the bed letting out his first robust cry of life. The cord was wrapped around his neck and twice around his body. The midwife unwound him and laid him on my chest. His apgars were an amazing 9 and 10!
He was about 36 ½ weeks gestation. His lungs were fine and we were very careful to take his temp. to be sure that he was maintaining it properly. The doula and midwife made me the placenta cocktail that I requested and it definitely help to speed up my recovery and minimize the lochia.
Jacob nursed hungrily about one hour after birth for about 45 minutes on each side. He stayed awake looking at his new world for many hours after his arrival. He remained in our bed with us to allow the warmth of our bodies to keep him the perfect temperature and to allow him to nurse as often as he needs to.
While I was in labor, I kept smiling and asking to be woken up. It all seemed like a wonderful dream to be at home surrounded by those I love and welcoming a new member of our family. The kids are so loving and affectionate towards their baby brother, and Mike and I could not have asked for a more beautiful homebirth. Praise the Lord for His many blessings!
Our doula shares her views of Jacob's Beautiful Birth.