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Photo of Bob Foley

aka Personal Computer Systems Consulting, Toronto, CANADA

Yep, this is me, the computer geekazoid you see here. A face only a mother could love, and terminal brain damage for (or is it from!?!) PCs. Does it get any better than this?!
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Toronto the Good
Hello from North York, Ontario CANADA, one of the cities that make up Metropolitan Toronto, where multiculturalism is a way of life, not a reason to die. This is where you'll find a comprehensive list of sites in, around and about Toronto, including some of the stuff having to do with Toronto's imminent amalgamation from the current six municipalities into one big mega-city!

First order of business
Now, before I go ANY further, if you live in the eastern part of Toronto, and you need a dentist - look no further! I cannot say enough good stuff about mine, Dr. Joseph Tabri - he thoroughly REBUILT my mouth (NO EXAGGERATION - I've talked to him about putting my pictures on his website, for those of you with poor dental hygiene!! You'll see...!)

Pictures of the family
I'm so proud of my whole fam damily that I had to put a picture of me with my wife Rachelle, along with another picture of me with all of my children for the world to see!

Personal Computer Systems Consulting
Comprehensive computer systems sales, service and support.

Stevie Ray Vaughan Tribute links
I've played guitar (classical, acoustic and electric) for more than 30 years of my life, and I was devastated by the untimely passing of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Texan bluesman extraordinaire. As a fellow axe-man (if only recreationally), I want to pay tribute to him, the blues, and our fellow bluesmen - please don't miss it!

My Geek Page
Link to pages devoted to computer and Internet security issues, and pick up a copy of my PGP key!

Family, Friends and Clients
These are the special people in my life.
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                                                      Page Design copyright © 1997 by Bob Foley, B.Foley@CIMtegration.com
Page updated: 18 May 1997