Photo Album

A few photos for your viewing pleasure. All were taken by me except
those for which credit is given below the picture. All images are copyrighted.
Photo Descriptions:
The kids, October 1996.
The whole fam, Christmas 1994. (photo by Misty)
My ex-wife, Dawn.
Hannah, 3, reads a story to Simba and friends, Spring 1996.
All of us, sprawled in the floor, Spring 1997. (photo by Gary)
Hannah gives Aaron a hug -- girls, huh? Spring 1997.
Aaron and Hannah inspect one of their "creations," Summer 1997.
Aaron chases Hannah on the big wheels, Summer 1997.
Ariel, Hannah, & me, Spring 1997. (photo by Aaron)
Ariel commands the swing, Spring 1997.
Aaron loves Domino the cat, Summer 1997.
Me, April 1998.
Florida trip, February 1998.

CAUTION: This page is under construction -- watch out for dead ends! (07/23/97)
© 1998