This is me and my three kids, August, 1999: Ariel (5), Hannah (7), and Aaron (8).
Browse around our
cyber-neighborhood, Heartland
Or, thumb through
our photo album
(under construction).
Added a few new pictures. (12/25/99)
My apologies to any who visit. Due to the financial and time requirements of this messy, screwed-up divorce I'm in, I have been unable to update this page since its creation. Maybe soon! If you want to chat, e-mail me anytime! (10/13/97)
That's it for now. I hope to have info and links for parenting, family stuff, kid's stuff, and other fun things as well as photography and space exploration. This is only the first day of construction, so stop by again real soon to see what's changed. (02/10/97)
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