CHAD CGC Black Labrador Retriever/Beagle cross B: 14/05/85 D: 16/03/99
B: November 1983 D: March 1999
Babe is the oldest. She is blind in her right eye, has been since
she was six. It happened on a Friday night. The vet thinks that someone
either kicked her in the eye, or threw something at her that hit her in
the eye. At any rate, the retina was detached, and she lost her vision.
She's adjusted quite well, but for the longest time, she used to growl
at the paper boy....
Update: Babe also went to the
Rainbow Bridge on the same day as my Boo. She had been diagnosed with diabetes,
grade 3 heart murmur and the beginning of kidney failure. At almost 16
years old, we decided that her time had come. Goodbye my little tiger.