Hi, my name is Kathryn Hertzberger. Welcome to my home page! I am an animal nut (some people just leave out the animal part). I own (or am owned by) 2 cats - Thomas and Hayley, and 4 dogs - Kerry, a purebred yellow Labrador Retriever, Fiver, a yellow Labrador Retriever, Emma, a black Labrador Retriever and Annie, a liver and white English Springer Spaniel. Phew! No wonder people think I'm nuts!  My husband and I breed Labrador Retrievers and English Springer Spaniels under the TopFuel Reg'd kennel name.  Check it out! We have also been blessed with two wonderful children, Sarah and Jacob. They make life interesting, to say the least.

I am a Systems Analyst for Information Systems at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. I have worked there since November of 1994. I design forms and reports using Oracle and it's related tools.

And now, without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to the 4-legged members of my family.



Watertails's Bold Periwinkle CGC TT (Kerry) Yellow Labrador Retriever B: 22/11/92

We bought Kerry in February of 1993 when she was 18 weeks old. She had been placed with a family at 8 weeks, who decided, a week later, that puppies were too much work, so she was returned to her breeder. She's wary of strangers, but once she knows you, look out!  She's got the fastest tongue in the West! She LIVES to retrieve and swim.  She is our demo dog at obedience classes and everyone just loves her. Us included!

See Kerry's pedigree


CVC FiveAlive CD CGC TT (Fiver) Yellow Labrador Retriever B:06/07/96

This is Fiver.  He received his first leg towards his CD at the Labrador Owners Club Specialty in Cambridge, Ontario in June, 1998. He received his second leg at the Labrador Owners Club Specialty in June, 1999 and his third leg at the Labrador Retreiver Club of Canada Specialty in Kingston in June, 1999. He LIVES to please you. Rick shows him in obedience and I love and spoil him.

Check out Fiver's pedigree

Castlegar Emma of TopFuel CD CGC (Emma) Black Labrador Retriever B:19/07/98

Emma is our hope for the future. As of March, 2000, she passed her
hip and elbow certifications through Ontario Veterinary College
(OVC) in Guelph.  Emma has had four litters for us and is now retired.


AnnieCan CH Thornlodge Annie Get Your Gun CGC (Annie) L&W English Springer Spaniel  B: 04/04/99

Annie is the youngest dog addition to our "zoo". Although not a Lab, she certainly thinks she is one!  Annie finished her Canadian Championship in style by going BOS to her Dad on Easter Sunday (April 23, 2000).  In July of 2001, Annie qualified for her first leg of her American CD at the English Springer Spaniel American National Specialty in Oconomowoc, WI! Annie can now add the first leg of her Canadian CD to her list of accomplishments! April 27, 2002 at the Brantford & District Kennel & Obedience Club, with a score of 186/200.




(L-R) Thomas and Hayley, & Thomas

Thomas is my baby. I've always wanted an orange/red cat, so when I saw him, I had to have him. He's quite the character; he comes when he's called, and he's a love sponge. I always wanted a cat that would cuddle with me, and I couldn't ask for any better than Tom. I've shown him with great success in the Household Pet category of the Canadian Cat Association (CCA), but had to retire him after his last show when he hissed and growled at a judge. Thomas was born in October of 1993.

I had to put my middle cat Toonces down due to health problems, and the house seemed empty.  A trip to the local humane society fixed that and Hayley came home with us on February 23, 1998.  She is a pewter gray and white domestic shorthair and is quite the mouthpiece! Hayley was born in January of 1998.

Cool Links!

Link to all kinds of cool DOG sites!

In Memoriam...a page dedicated to our pets that have passed on


According to my furry kids, Counter   people have dropped by!

Well, thanks for coming, hope you had a good time. Drop me a line if you'd like to chat.

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