
Barry Veach's Home Page

Hey!! I am glad you stopped by.

I hope you like my new home page. I thought I would try making a frames version of my site.

I am the first to admit that it is not much to look at, but I am proud of it.

I learned about HTML coding by taking a correspondence course over the net. As part of that class I had to do my first home page. This page represents my second attempt at a home page.

I am in the process of moving some things around at this time. One of the things I hope to change is the speed that my page loads. I had some animated graphics and pictures here at one time and thought that my page seemed to take a very long time to load.

If anyone is interested in taking an HTML coding class, take a look at the free courses offered at this site
Spectrum Virtual University . Courses are offered every semester on various computer, and other, subjects. I took a few correspondence courses here and got a lot of information from them...And the price was right too!


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This Page Last Revised On November 1, 2007