Welcome to G-N-C TravelCenter!
21ST CENTURY ADVENTURES'EZINEA publication for those who enjoy action-packed holidays. ABSOLUTELY FLORIDA MAGAZINEAn interactive, monthly, multimedia resource for all things Florida- for the traveler, resident, shopper, or web surfer. Reach people aroundthe world in their own language because they provide translations in RealAudio. ARIZONA ZONEThe Grand Canyon State's official tourism site. ASIA NOW ONLINEThe latest news and information from the Asia Pacific region. AUSTRALIA ONLINEA wealth of information about life and travel Down Under. BRAZILIAN EMBASSYIN LONDONImpressive design and compellingly thorough content make the BrazilianEmbassy's online presence in London the best embassy in cyberspace. A notablemilestone in the history of international diplomacy-don't miss it! BRITANNIADiscover the British Isles. CAMBODIATIMESEnglish-language news from Cambodia. CENTRAL EUROPE ON LINEIf you're interested in doing business in Central Europe (the CzechRepublic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia or Slovenia) this site contains informationon current Economic conditions, trade fairs, currency and stocks as wellas current political information. Well laid out site - easy to navigate.Contains everything from unemployment rates to average monthly wages ineach country. COOLSPOTS CALIFORNIAExploring the funky and historic -- on and off the beaten path. CULTURE& ENTERTAINMENTInteresting information about Mexico, past and present. CITY.NETClaimed to be " the most comprehensive guide to communities aroundthe world." DARPANA beautiful e-zine about Indian culture. DAZBOG'SGRANDCHILDRENThe premier Russian culture site. DILOS HOLIDAY WORLDThis company specialises in tailor-made trips to Greece. They offera wide range of holidays including educational tours, walking tours, rafting,mountaineering and yachting. Visitors to their Web site can browse holidayoptions and obtain a wealth of information about modern and ancient Greece. EMBASSY OF SWITZERLAND, WASHINTOND.C.General information about the country, visa regulations, businesses,and Swiss websites are some of the features of this well-designed and informativesite. EPICURIOUSTRAVELLEROffers advice about the best places to go, the smartest ways to go thereand the best things to do when you get there. It's also a place where youcan swap tips and tales with other travelers. EXPLORE NEW YORKAn excellent guide to the City the never sleeps. FIFTH WORLDNightlife in Amsterdam. FREE BURMAAn educational and activist site designed to bring attention to thepolitical situation in Burma. Links include information about Burmese history,culture, and politics. FRENCH TRAVEL GALLERYCome here for the most convenient way to plan your next trip to France.Search and locate web sites about France, accommodations, sightseeing information,maps. Get a crash course in speaking French. GATEWAY-TO-INDIAThis site provides you with the comprehensive and a very well organizedinformation pertaining to India. Includes the Indian Shopping Network. GETTING AROUND THE PLANETExcellent travel resource center hosted by Pathfinder.com. Includesan online travel magazine, travel & leisure guide, Zagat Dining Guideand Planet Profiles. Online bulletin boards and chatting allow users tocommunicate and share their personal travel experiences. GO HOSTELING!A WWW Magazine of Hostels, Hosteling Culture, Itineraries and Services.Go Hosteling contains a large selection of links on destinations, travelogues,travel tips, and hosteling associations. Let's GO HOSTELING! GO WESTAn excellent guide to outdfoor destinations in the American West. GREAT LAKES INFORMATION NETWORKThe Great Lakes Information Network, or GLIN, is a cooperative projectof many agencies and organizations which provides one place for peopleto find information relating to the Great Lakes region of North America.Whatever you want to know about the Great Lakes, you'll probably find ithere! HAMPTONS.COMAn exquisite virtual tour. HIT THE BEACHA shrine to surf and sand. HONG KONG -- THE OPPORTUNITIES OF TODAY,TOMORROW AND BEYONDAn excellent resource for those interested in the transition of sovereigntyof Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China in July 1997. HOTWIRED: WORLD BEATNews, tips and views for the wired traveller. So cool -- it's hot! JAPAN WINDOWAn excellent source of information about Japan. JERUSALEM POSTIsrael's only English-language daily. KOREA WEBWEEKLYA non-partisan, non-profit news magazine dedicated to various issuesrelated to Korea. All news summary and editorials are contributed by volunteers. LONDONCALLING INTERNETAn impressive guide to London. LONELY PLANETThe ultimate online guide for adventurous travellers. MAPQUESTYou can get there from here! Visit MapQuest and view the "InteractiveAtlas," which allows you to find any place in the world. The site's"TripQuest" feature provides door-to-door driving directionsfor the U.S., and parts of Canada and Mexico. Be sure to check out thisterrific site. It's cool! MICROSOFT EXPEDIAOne of the best travel resources on the web. Microsoft presents theirusers with news point, fare tracker, an online hotel directory, onlinereservations and even a currency converter. Part of The Microsoft Network(MSN). MOON TRAVEL HANDBOOKSThis site is mainly an online reference to the range of handbooks producedby Moon Travel Publications, however, it is also home to the very popularRoad Trip journal. The virtual travelogue project features 11 intersectingroutes across the US. There are maps and stories exposing the old highwaysand less-travelled routes, avoiding the soulless Interstates and steeringyou toward roadside attractions, historic places and oddball Americana. MOTEL AMERICANAA celebration of motels. MOUNTAIN TRAVEL SOBEKThis company can take you to some of the most obscure and beautifulparts of the world. Their stylish site has extremely cool virtual postcards. NAPA VALLEY VIRTUALVISITThe Napa Valley Virtual Visit is designed for two groups of people --those with an interest in purchasing or learning about Napa Valley wineand those planning to visit the Napa Valley. NATUREBREAKNaturbreak is an interesting site utilizing among other things AppleQuicktime VR Movies. This eposodic outdoor adventure is original and funand features New Mexico, Diablo (Spanish for "Devil") Canyon. NEW ORLEANS . COMA comprehensive guide to the city of jazz. NEW ZEALANDTake a virtual peek at this picturesque country. OUTSIDE ONLINE"The interactive electronic community for outdoor enthusiasts." PARISTake a virtual tour of one of the World's most romantic cities. PLANET ITALYProduced by RAI Corporation, Planet Italy hosts information and linkson Italian culture, shops, destinations music, fashion, and architecture.A few cool option that include VRML. A must see web site. REC.TRAVEL LIBRARYArchives of the rec.travel newsgroup are listed on this interestingsite. Contains a rich collection of links on travel resources on differentdestinations. Advice is also available on a number of differnet traveltopics. SCENIC IDAHO! THE UNDISCOVERWESTThe authority on all things Idaho. Information on fishing, hiking, touring,all outdoor recreation. Calendars of events for Rendezvous and Great shoppingfor unique Idaho products at great value. SENIORWORLD TOURSActive year 'round travel for mature adults - that's what SeniorWorldTours has been offering for over 16 years. Walking, hiking, biking, snowmobiling,van touring, whitewater rafting - those 49+ years old join in all thesepursuits at fabulous destinations in the U.S. and around the world. Thesummer season runs from May through October. During the winter, they gearup from December to March, with plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors.Domestic and International Trips are featured so pack your bags and headfor fun with new-found friends. SIAM.NETA comprehensive guide to Thailand. SIMPLE TRAVELERPublishers of the hard copy monthly travel journal, Vagabond Magazine,have produced an online version they have called Simple Traveler. The siteoffers a range of resources relating to travel. There is a news section,an interactive travelers notice board, although it does not seem to workvery well, and poems and prose relating to travel. The front page of thesite shows the features of the month, which, in my opinion, are the highlightof this web site. SMARTTRAVELER, INC.An interactive web site designed for independent travellers lookingfor unique recommendations on Northern California lodgings, restaurants,day-trips and activities. SPLITA travel related e-zine. TERRAQUESTVirtual expeditions on the World Wide Web. TNT MAGAZINEPublishers of the highly successful independent traveller magazines,TNT, have now created a very extensive and effective web site. Regularfeatures are up-dated and linked from the front page. Although the overalldesign of the site is a little cluttered in appearance it is easy to navigatebecause of the use of frames and icon bars permanently showing on screen.The search facility makes finding specific information easy. Most of thecontent is directed toward travellers in London, Australia and New Zealand,offering information on work, news and sport. The interactive message boardon the site seems to work well and there are dozens of postings. TNT isone of the most comprehensive travel sites for independent travellers. TOMBSTONE TOURISTA Web site dedicated to "all those who have spent countless hoursin cemeteries trying to find the final resting places of the rich, thefamous, the infamous and those with just really cool tombstones." TOWN-LINEBrowse the local offerings of numerous towns in Connecticut, USA. Anexcellent concept. TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILROAD PAGEAn online resource to the very famous train journey across China andRussia. The site features a report written by Herbert Groot Jebbink, availablein both Dutch and English. He has put some great photographs on the siteusing a clever image proof sheet that allows you select the image and alsosee which are the most popular images viewed. There is a real audio interview(Dutch only) and links to related web sites. The interactive messageboardon the site is filled with comments and suggestions left by visitors tothe site. TRAVELCOMPANIONS INTERNATIONAL,INCBON VOYAGE! Did you think you couldn't travel because there was no oneto go with you or because you are older, have arthritis or other mobilitychallenges? Are you ready to go see that new grandbaby, join in the familyreunions, or to visit a forbidden city beckoning you or an exotic landthat's calling? Or want to go just because it's there and you always wantedto go? COMPANIONS provides assistance for such travelers--for you--tailoredto meet your special needs and challenges. TRAVEL HEALTH ONLINEHow to stay healthy when travelling. TRAVEL NEWSA weekly guide to travel specials and auctions on the Web. Travel Newsfinds
airline, hotel, cruise, and vacation discounts available to Internetsurfers
only. TRAVELS WITH SAMANTHATravel through North America with Philip Greenspun and Samantha (hisApple Powerbook). Visitors will get plenty of vicarious pleasure from thisonline account of his journey. TRAVEL WARNINGS& CONSULAR INFO SHEETProvides warnings, consular information and announcements for the travelersto other countries. Easy to use navigation allow users to quickly findpublic announcements about any short-term threats in foriegn countires. TRAVELTIPSTravelTips is published by professional travel writers, fellow travelerswho wish to share thier experiences. This e-zine contains information onevents, travel alerts and, travel tips. TRAVELWEBOnline reservations for hotels and air flights. This site includes shockwaveand activeX versions of their web site. Need to find the best deals? Takea look at their Click It! section for discount prices on hotels and destinations. TRAVLANGThis web site is an excellent foreign language resource center. Youhave over 30 languages to chose from and you can select your native languageplus the one you want to learn and get direct translations. You can learnusing categories of words and phrases that show a written translation andan audio sound file (.au) so you can hear how it is pronounced. The siteincludes links to flight reservations online, a world wide hotel database,and dozens of handy links to travel related sites worldwide. A TRIP THROUGHTHE GRAND CANYONEnjoy a virtual journey down the Grand Canyon's Colorado River. VIRTUAL JERUSALEMVirual Jerusalem contains news & media updated several times dailywith news from Israeli newspapers, audio broadcasts and news & analysis.Millions of hits per months make this the largest Jewish and Israel relatedwebsite on the net. VR SEATTLEA substantial collection of Quicktime movies. WALT DISNEYWORLDThe online home for this popular Florida theme park. WASHINGTON DC CITY PAGESDC Pages is designed to guide its users to the many resources the ofculturally rich and diverse areas in Washington DC. THE WEATHER UNDERGROUNDThe Weather Underground provides real-time wather informtaion to theinternet community. Pages target local audiences with over 562 cities inthe US covered. Amost a million people a month use The Weather Undergroundas their weather resource. YAHOO! LOS ANGELESYahoo! goes regional. YAHOO! NEW YORKYour guide to the Big Apple. YAHOO! SAN FRANSISCO BAY AREAThe perfect starting point for information about San Francisco. |
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