Thank-you once again for visiting Greg & Carrie's Place! Our page has grown a little bit since February 1997. We've added this section to our page to keep friends, family, and relatives updated on everything that's going on in the Ryan's life. Carrie started her first year as 1st grade elementary teacher and Greg has started his new job at Choo-Choo Build-it-Mart as a Boom Truck Operator. Greg is also enrolling to take classes to get his Teaching Certificate. Zach and Courtney are growing up fast. They are so much fun to be around and watch grow up!
This page will probably be updated at least once a month to keep our family up to date on everything. Check back again soon!
Also, check out the new section called "Win Our Award". If you have an excellent homepage, go to this section to find out how to win Greg & Carrie's "Groovy HomePage Award". You can also go to our new "BoardRoom" to post and reply to messages.
November 19, 1997-New main page design.
February 15, 1998-Eight new pages added.
March 30, 1998-Counters added for to each sub-page.
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