We have had some serious allegations in our guestbook that we would like to clear up. First of all, yes, we once were members of Rudy's Anti-biped Coalition but we resigned when it was discovered that Rudy was spending our money on his reelection campaign. We are not political cats. We do not support anarchy, our humans are quite democratic. We know nothing about any feline political takeover and we do not want to be investigated by Ken Starr. We were not kidnapped by our humans, we were adopted from the Animal Protective League. Oh, and FINE! We are not from inner-city Cleveland, we happen to live in a very close suburb. We may be members of C.A.R.E. (Catnip Abuse Resistance Education) but we did not shut down a catnip factory in Toledo. You may blink while visiting this page. It probably will not cause death or injury to you, but just to be safe, we are not responsible for any injury while blinking. (Caution: Do not operate heavy machinery while blinking while visting this page.) As for Nosey's stomach, ok, he may be a little overweight, but we don't see how that has any relevance to anything. This person, be it cat or human, may be a little sick and should be approched with caution. We will tell our humans not to tell anyone else about our page. This page is for cats and responsible humans. Thank you. I hope this mysterious weirdo is happy.