-Every wild cat is endangered
-The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, traveling at speeds up to 60 mph. They can only run this fast for about 100 yards, though. Just enough to get that winning touchdown.
-Cats can see six times better than humans in the dark.
-Whiskers help cats feel their way around in the dark.
-The margaw is the best climber of all the cats. It can actually hang upside-down by one foot (Only if no human declaws him).
-House cats scratch funiture to mark their territory, just like how wild cats scratch trees. (Let's see a human punish a lion for scratching!)
-Cats were first domesticated in Egypt. They used to worship the cats they had. If their cat died, it was mummyfied. (Now THAT must have been the life!)
-The snow leopard is the best jumper of all the cats. It can jump up to 49 feet.
-The leopard is the most successful hunter of all cats. They hide in the tall grasses of the African Savannah. Their prey is practically next to them before they pounce.
Thats all the cat facts for now. We may have more in the future. If you have a cat fact that you are SURE is true, e-mail it to us.