The Callie And Nosey Page

The Litterbox

Hi! We're Callie and Nosey. Welcome to our cat page. We have 4 humans which we got on August 5, 1992. We both were born in May of 1992, Nosey on the 13th and Callie on the 27th. We live in Cleveland, Ohio where we live, play, eat, and sleep. We have a computer we like to play with. We don't play computer games, we play with the computer itself (especially the mouse). Callie likes to walk in front of the screen to irritate the humans. We did build this page on it though (Okay! Okay! The humans helped a little. Hey, you try typing without fingers!). We, being cats, know a lot about cats and would like to share our infinite knowledge with you. Check out all the stuff we have available now. This page is always being updated, so there's more to come. If you want to know more about us, go here.

To see our responce to the allegations in our guestbook, go here

C.A.R.E. (Catnip Abuse Resistance Education)

Try visiting some of our most popular sections.

Get Yours!!

Tic Cat Toe
A Java game
Nosey's Digital Cat Clock
Uses JavaScript
In the News...
Callie and Nosey tell of plan for new RPG game

The Callie and Nosey Page passes its 1 year aniversary

Callie and Nosey tell Dear Tabby of plans for the future

New page format has much positive feedback

Catbumps 5 and 6 are complete.

Callie and Nosey are both 6 years old.

Games & Puzzles
Leopardy and more!
Cat Tails
Cat stories! Catbumps and more!
Dear Tabby
The feline advice columnist
The Image Gallery
Cool comic pictures of us!
Our very own comic strip!
Cat Jokes
You'll fall on the floor meowing!
About us
Our profiles
The Interview
with Dear Tabby
Nosey Meowing
A wave sound
Callie Purring
A wave sound
Cat Facts
True stuff!
Icons, wallpaper, etc.
The 3 we have won
Cat Lynx
Other cat sites

You'll find links on our pages that lead you back here
E-mail us with cat jokes, cat links, or any comments.
We would also like funny stories of your cats

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© 1997-98 by Eric Ambrose, Callie, and Nosey

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Callie and Nosey.

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