DIVE into the SKIPPER's and the CREW's memories!

A collection of pics and memorabilia from the family of Captain E.E. Shelby

A collection of DAD's war pics, a citation, and a letter from Admiral Lockwood!

A collection of pics from Richard Considine.

A gallery of pics from John Baguley.

A LARGE gallery of pics from Ed Hall.

A gallery of pics from Ted Aldridge which includes his BRONZE STAR citation!

A gallery of pics from Vernon Kite which includes his SILVER STAR citation!

A beginning gallery of pics from Leroy Sellman with more on the way.

A gallery of pics from the family of Ted Christos.

A collection of loose photos from various members of the crew, including a GREAT crew photo.

The SUNFISH officers, Pearl Harbor, 28 Feb, 45.