SPCA Melaka

Welcome: This website is dedicated to:

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Melaka) 


Our Family Photo

         SPCAM Annual Fund Raising Dinner 2003

. Our other occupants SPCA Dinner Food Fete Where are we?





SPCA  Dinner





Our location

Telephone: (office) 06-2686261                                     


if so, you can contact Pejabat Haiwan (Veteinary Dept), Air Keroh ( Dr. Zainal & staff) or En. Roslan (enforcement officer) at 06-2325103

We are in Melaka, Malaysia, and we are dedicated towards the following goals:

bulletCampaigning against cruelty to animals
bulletProviding a temporary shelter to animals in need
bulletFinding a home for these animals under an adoption programme
bulletHelping to change present laws towards clearer guidelines for animal welfare

Our society is run by volunteer committee members and funded by public donations. We are also affliated to the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).

At present we are operating a shelter for animals at  
Lot 1115, Lorong Kepten Nekmat,

Km 5, Jalan Semabok,
Semabok, 75150 Melaka, Malaysia.

                                                                                                  What's the story behind this logo?  

Click on the logo to find out.

The SPCA needs funds, grants and money from the general public to achieve our main aim of averting cruelty to animals and birds and to educate the general public about kindness to animals. We have an ongoing collection of old newspapers, magazines, books, aluminium cans and old clothes for recycling as well as to generate some funds needed for the day-to-day upkeep of the centre. If you can spare any of the above items, do call our office  and arrange for a pickup or bring them to the centre by yourself. Your help is our lifeline.

 Please email any suggestions to the society's address:  


Events                        Our Thank You List 

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