Scottish music

Alba - Alba (Rubber Records) Unfortunately I dont have a picture of the cover which is in fact brown in colour, this must be one of the best acoustic folk albums ever recorded, recorded in the early 70's. This album could be quite difficult to get hold of, as far as i'm aware there have been no plans to re-release it and the record company who originally released it (Rubber Records) has dissapeared. The Album has a good range of string and wind instruments played by some of the best musicians Scotland has to offer. Alba is the Gaelic name for Scotland.

Martyn Bennet - Martyn Bennet : ECL CD 9614 (Electric Records) The track that is playing now if youre system can pick it up is from this album which was released in 1996, it is a fantastic mixture of modern sound and traditional tunes and rythms that does absolutely no damage to the overall sound, it has many good tracks and Martyn Bennetts strong piping, flute playing and fiddle playing ability is only too clear, highlights of the album is the album itself, it has almost no weak tracks on the album and comes highly recomended, especially for those who gravitate towards the modern style.

Shooglenifty - A whisky kiss : CDTRAX 106 (Greentrax Records) This Edinburgh band play a stomping set of upbeat dance tunes to get anyone up dancing consisting mainly of string instruments it offers a change from the pipes, there playing style is very live and eccentric and individual musicians are very talented, highlights of this album are the title track and 'Da eye wifey' which is the first track and a very pleasant easy going tune it is too. 'A Whisky Kiss' the follow up to 'Venus in Tweeds' was released in 1996.

Gordon Mooney - O'er the border : COMCD 2031 (Temple Records) this album concentrates on the sounds and tunes of the Border's of Scotland, the instruments used are all "Cauld wind pipes" or in other words pipes that use bellows instead of lung power, these are Scottish smallpipes , Border bagpipes and northumbrian pipes. They have a variety of different sounds and the tunes are independent of the Highland traditions, this is an exceptional album played by a very accomplished piper. The album was released in 1989.

Capercaille - Sidewaulk : GLCD 1094 (Green Linnet Records) was released in 1989 and is the third Cappercaille album, it is not as contemporary as there later albums and sticks quite firmly to the root's of the music they play Karen Matheson there singer has a beautifull voice which is used to great effect when she sings the traditional Gaelic songs and "puirt a beul's" - mouth music, the instrumentals are fantastic and have a slightly modern edge, very easy to get in to.

Clan Alba - Clan Alba : CLANCD001 (Clan Alba productions) this album can only be bought by mail order from the distribution company in England because of a dispute about the pricing between record company and band, it is however a absolutely fantastic album with great instumentals and songs by 8 of the most well known and accoumplished Scottish musicians. You can get hold of it by mail order from : CM distribution,Hookstone park,North Yorkshire,England. HG2 7DB Tel-(01423)888979.

Battlefeild Band - Opening Moves : TSCD 468 are one of the longest running Scottish band's, this album is a re-release of track of their albums between 1977-79, the music has a much more rustic feel than the other albums listed here, the strong points are the instrumental's but there are one or two good ballad's too although generaly (In my opinion)I think this is the bands weak point even to this day even though the band members have altered slightly over the years. I would however suggest that you buy the album for the instrumentals which are very powerfull and very well executed. '

Dick Gaughan - Handfull of earth : TSCD419 (Topic Records) This is for the people who like songs and ballads, this was voted best folk album to the eighties an is my favorite album from this artist who as well as having a fantastic traditional singing voice is also a splendid guitarist, highlights on this album are 'Now Westlin Winds' a beautiful poem written by 'Robert Burns'and 'Erin go bragh' which looks at racism in Edinburgh towards an Highlander mistaken for a Irishman. All in all this is a brilliant record with only 'Both sides the Tweed' receiving less than 100% marks.

Ally Bain & Phill Cunningham - The Pearl:WHIRLIECD3 (Whirlie Records) If you like dancing at celidhs then you will like this album brought by the cream of Scotlands fiddle an Acordion duo's both well known in there own right's, my favorite tracks on this album are 'Belle meres waltz' which was written by Phill Cunningham for his Mother and The auld fiddler an Bb tune which show the instrumentalist's at there very best.

Tannahill Weavers - Cullen Bay : CSIF 1108 (Green Linnet) This band hail from the Grampian region and play both modern and Trad tunes and songs, there renditions of pipe tunes are some of the best around, driving and powerfull the likes of 'The reel of Tulloch' and 'The panda' show that old and new tunes can be mixed on an Album without the later being of a lower standard which seems to be the case in some bands. All in all this album has several fantastic instrumental sets and one or two good song's too!!
