naomi - 12/16/00 00:40:10
How did you find this?: shown it by you
What country are you from?: scotland
What do you think of the page?: really cool, great pictures
What improvements would you make?: APOSTROPHES!!
What would you add?: even more info
Will you recomend this page?: yup
really handy and interesting bits of information - good for a wee introduction to loads of different areas of scottish history and culture.
j.mcgeachy - 12/16/00 00:11:40
How did you find this?: through a friend
What country are you from?: scotland
What do you think of the page?: interesting
Will you recomend this page?: yes
Stephen Leece - 12/12/00 18:59:12
My URL:http://eh what?!?
My Email:noneofyerbusiness@glasgow
How did you find this?: You told me about it
What country are you from?: England ie not Scotland
What do you think of the page?: Perveted, nationalistic balls
What improvements would you make?: Shutting down the website??
What would you add?: I hope you realise I'm joking. It's fookin' brilliant
Will you recomend this page?: Already have done
Alright there Ian cheers for the dedication. Not in any order my arse- Teresa after your family- yeah right!!! See you soon mate.
Stuart MacDonald - 05/19/00 15:17:09
How did you find this?: surfed in
What country are you from?: New Zealand
What do you think of the page?: Good
What improvements would you make?: make it faster
What would you add?: Anything relevant to Scotland
Will you recomend this page?: Yes
Nice page but it takes a long time to open, you could improve the speed a bit by reducing pic files and mpeg files.Otherwise it's interesting and informative. I didn't know that you have real wildcats in Scotland!
Paul (Satan) Semple - 02/27/00 16:10:26
My Email:www.snatchwattch.cum
How did you find this?: magic
What country are you from?: are u stupid?
What do you think of the page?: its brown
What improvements would you make?: make it not brown
What would you add?: minge
Will you recomend this page?: maybees aye
whaurs ra minge gordo!gash , gash gie me gash , maaannnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Paul (Satan) Semple - 02/27/00 16:05:57
How did you find this?: magic
Michael Haig - 02/22/00 11:51:12
How did you find this?: You told me aboot it
What country are you from?: Wonderland
What do you think of the page?: I don't know
What improvements would you make?: I would make it better
What would you add?: Better Stuff
Will you recomend this page?: Ti who?
Just me takin' the piss, your always sayin' sign your guestbook, I bet you wish you hadn't noo.
rowena - 02/09/00 07:36:37
How did you find this?: from you hunny bunny
What country are you from?: australia
What do you think of the page?: tops!
What improvements would you make?: some porn perhaps?
What would you add?: naked pics of neat and shan getting it on in hyelm showers - i have such a beast!
Will you recomend this page?: to all and sundry
Carol - 02/05/00 23:43:11
How did you find this?: guess!!!
What country are you from?: Barbados
What do you think of the page?: Very bright - but very you!
What improvements would you make?: None - I wouldn't know how
What would you add?: Live cam (ooooer missus!)
Will you recomend this page?: No I want to keep it all to myself!
Hey Macian,
So you're back up and running eh? Glad to see that you are putting some of that knowledge of yours to good use!
See ya
anita - 02/05/00 08:48:12
How did you find this?: whilst searching for my soul
What country are you from?: Australia
What do you think of the page?: i loved it from go to woe and leonardo de caprio was brilliant was brilliant
What improvements would you make?: all the stuff you already know
What would you add?: allegience to the queen
Will you recomend this page?: yes to my friend Macian
were you in train spotting?
P Waddell - 02/04/00 17:40:46
How did you find this?: buddy
What country are you from?: Trinidad and Tobago
What do you think of the page?: good
What improvements would you make?: lots ;-)
What would you add?: chicks
Will you recomend this page?: yip
nice ...
begsy johnston - 02/04/00 13:52:01
How did you find this?: you told me
What country are you from?: I'm not from the country, I'm from the town
What do you think of the page?: don't know - I came straight to the guestbook (which I think is really good)
What improvements would you make?: replace my wife with Gillian Anderson
What would you add?: another 6 inches to my nob
Will you recomend this page?: don't know - let me read it first
Teresa Schomburg - 01/31/00 19:48:12
How did you find this?: through some obscure mail, presumably by the creator of this page
What country are you from?: Germany
What do you think of the page?: It is definitely a good idea, especially taking in account that I never would have had the idea of creating such a page with information about Germany...
What improvements would you make?: In the myth section, some of the writing is quite bright, so it is hard to read it. I think, I would change that. Apart from that, there is definitely a translation into other languages lacking-especially German o
course. I know a very skillfull, exremely professional translator who I could recommend the page to. I'm sure, she will be delighted to do her best!
What would you add?: I feel there is some literature lacking (apart from the myths, of course) How about a nice little Burns poem for a start? Apart from that, some information about today Scotland's political position or something like that would
e nice, maybe you could add some interesting article from newspapers. Just a few ideas...
Will you recomend this page?: I most certainly will-especially to ignorant Germans who mix Scotland with England!
'S toil leam homepage agad, tha e gle inntinneach, tha mi a smaoineachach. Chan eil fios agam, de burrain dhomh bruighinn eile. Thuirt mi a h-uile rudan, agus tha an t-acras agam agus tha mi ag iarraidh a'dol dhachaidh.
See you soon,
Jack Redmond - 01/29/00 12:01:55
How did you find this?: Surfing
What country are you from?: U.S.A
What do you think of the page?: Great page
What improvements would you make?: Just keep building
What would you add?: "" "" ""
Will you recomend this page?: Have already
Had a good time visiting your pages, I want to visit your country now!.
Jade Scott - 01/29/00 12:01:05
How did you find this?: through a friend
What country are you from?: all over i travel and live on site when i'm static wherever that may be
What do you think of the page?: Excellent, coming from Australia originally i had no idea of Scottish culture
What improvements would you make?: don't know
What would you add?: Dunnadd Fort
Will you recomend this page?: yes
i arrived in Scotland about four months ago from Portugal couldn't find a decent guide that got into the "nooks and crannies" i hope i got this phrase right. Thanks for your tips and pictures and excellent array of stone circles. the only thing is where
is Dunnadd i visited the hill fort just outside kilmartin what a great energy there is up there and not that dificult to climb when the emphazima kicks in. Forty a day you know what it's like. i had to shake off the Australian healthy image. Anyway Che
Maxine Morrison - 01/29/00 11:52:01
How did you find this?: searching for scottish history
What country are you from?: Scotland
What do you think of the page?: informative and colourful
What improvements would you make?: routes graded in accordance with hard going to easy particularly for the people with kiddies
What would you add?: maps
Will you recommend this page?: yes
i would like to see more on accommodations for the traveller trecking in and around Scotland. In addition, information on wildlife nature reserves would be appreciated. (Rare Breeds Park outside Oban) where you can mingle with some of Scotlands beautifu
wildlife and feed the animals in a scenic landscape. Can you manage to give us some 3.D Virtual reality. I loved the Scara brae virtual reality can we have some more please. See you i hope and thanks for the opportunity to visit scotland from my armcha