Hell's Half Acre
Award of Excellence and Dedication


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If you are dedicated to improving and updating your homepage, and your site is excels above most, then this award may be for you!!

Just fill out the form below, or mail me at  mmap@hotmail.com and tell me the URL and Name of your site.  If I award your site, I will place a link to it from this page. 


~Your site can have no broken images.
~Your site can have no broken links.
~Your site must be easy to navigate.
~If you use frames, and I get "caught" in them, no award.
~If you use sounds, please provide controls for them.
~Excessive load time counts against you.
~Site must be more than just a list of links.
~Layout, use of color and graphics count for alot.
~If you use someone elses graphics, please give credit where   credit is due.

Your Name: (Do not hit return)

Website Name:

Your Homepage URL:

Your E-mail address:

Can You Receive Email Attachments?

Please Describe Your Site:




Webmomcl's Homepage

 Webmom's Hompage


 JayKayCee's Homepage

Jeff's Home

Karrel's 1609 Picket Fence

Wacky Page O' Crazed Stuff


Donna's Page!

Becky's Shotgun House On The Web

Uncle John's Cabin


Everything Romantic!

Bs Page

Angelene's Life

The Velvet Underground

The Rose Tea Room

LawDogs Homepage

The World of GentleDoe and YoungBuck

Nags Place

IAS & Manjushri Mandala

Gillian Anderson United Kingdom

This Is The Home Of Clint And Janet

GrannyGrace's House

Society Skins

Sky & Wolfers Family Outdoors WebSite

Québec Harbour Port

MGB's Homepage


My Turn By Robert Paul Reyes

Gypsyrose's Favorite Things

Candy's Cool World

My Place!

Tinker's Place

Freaky NeeNee's Place


Masters skin page


Pooky1969's Homepage

Rosalinda - The Mexican Soap

Stacy's Yahoo! Messenger Skins

The Legacies of Dominaria

Realm of Dreams

POKeMON Website

Regain the Magic of Lost Worlds ...

JoJo's World

Life's A Beach: Elena's Home Page

My Hideout

Black Russian Terrier

Brooke's Wolf Den

Finding My Family

Ken's Page of Gaming and Anime Skins

Wm.C.Gowacki's Website

Angel's Realm

Tipps für den Urlaub

Angel's Place



Patty's Website

Chatterie Jovisca

Sapphire Productions


SkyHawkFireHeart Website

Sandpiper's Nest


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| Yahoo! Messenger Skins Webring Homepage |
| Times Of Solitude - Poetry | Skins For Yahoo! Messenger |

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The entire "Hell's Half Acre" site or "http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/2267" or 
 "http://www.geocities.com/~mi_girl" is © 1997, 1998, 1999 to MI*Girl and or Back At Ya Designs.  It and no part of it may NOT be reproduced in any way, shape, or form, without my express written permission.