

Amy's Home

Welcome! Have a seat while I make us some tea. I hope you aren't allergic to cats... Sassy wants to sit on your lap and get each of her 24 toes stroked.

Nicholas is so full of energy for a 2.5 year old. Will you watch him for me while I get some cookies? Ohhhhhhh, he likes you!

Vienna is 17 months old and talks up a storm ~ she knows more than 50 words and already speaks in sentences! I love my kids :)

Here is a picture of our wedding six years ago.

Married November 13, 1993

About Me

I was born in 1974 in Papua New Guinea on my sister's third birthday.
I love animals (especially dogs, but I own a cat).
I was an honor student throughout high school.
I enjoy being a mommy.
My maiden name was Fehr.
I love the outdoors.
I like country living better than living in the city.

My Love, Roger

Born in 1971, in Alberta, Canada.
A journeyman machinist (in his third year of training, he got the highest mark and he had Mono!)
He likes model airplanes, boats, cars...
A wonderful husband and daddy.
He loves the outdoors (camping, fishing, hiking...)
He likes country life better than the city.

Favorite Websites

Roger's homepage

Canadian Parents Online

Your Child's Health Topic Index

Parenting Information - National

The Mining Company (pregnancy)

Common Sense Encylopedia (parenting)

Bareware ~ The Bare Necessities for You and Your Little One

Stork Site (pregnancy)

This Moms of December Ring site is owned by
Amy Hyatt.

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