Now Playing, "Hills Street Blues"

This award is for my grandpa who has the BEST site on the Web

This is my (best friend) dog Spunky. He won first place in an internet pet contest.

Hello and thanks for stopping by.. I really appreciate your taking the time to stop in and visit with an old retired cop with more time on his hands than sense.

I need to tell you that my main page is somewhat graphic intensive, but they are important as many lead to some very good pages and information, and are fairly good; so they are well worth waiting the very short time it takes to load.

So grab a hot cop of java and a stale donut and climb in (click) the cop car for a free ride to the old cop's home page. I promise you won't go to jail.

While there please sign my NEW guestbook. I lost my old book and all the fine people who signed it. Also Why not try for my Ken's Kool Kop award. Its easy. Over 100 home pages have already tried and won! GOD BLESS & have a great day.

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