The Brenzel Family Home Page

This page is dedicated to the memory of my great-aunt, Mary Josephine Miller Kerwin (1905-2004), better known as Aunt Jo. Although she was my father's aunt, she was more like an older sister to him and more like a grandmother to me. In 1980, at the age of 75, she sat down with me and gave me a lot of information about the Miller and Forton families and their lives in Michigan. It was incredible how much she knew about life in Michigan and the family left behind when her parents and oldest brother (my grandfather) came to New York. She was born in North Tonawanda, NY and never lived in Michigan but she knew names, dates and places. Thus started my adventures in the world of genealogical research. Thank you, Aunt Jo. May you rest in peace.

I invite all of my distant relatives to contact me and add any information that they have on our family.

Mary Miller Brenzel

Our Family - click here to see the Brenzel and Miller families and many others that connect in

Unconnected People - click here to see other people that may be connected with the Brenzel and Miller families but I haven't found the connection yet

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North Tonawanda Links

North Tonawanda American Babe Ruth Baseball League
Citizens for a Green North Tonawanda



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