Withers Family Home Page

Welcome! This page contains information about the Withers family.

Gary and Linda Withers live in West Gardiner, Maine. They have two children, Lesley and Bradley, and a grandson, Ethan.
Lesley has earned her Ph.D. in communication sciences from the University of Connecticut. She is now an associate professor at Central Michigan University. She and her husband, Nate, celebrated the birth of their son, Ethan Aubrey, on February 2, 2004.

Brad completed his MBA at the University of Maine and is now a Pharmaceutical Representative for Takeda Pharmaceuticals. He recently married his college sweetheart, Melissa, who is a veterinary technician at At Home Veterinary Care, and the two bought a house in Bowdoinham, Maine.

The family enjoys visiting the Cedar Cove Camp on Embden Pond.

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