LaCenter, Washington


02/06/2000 To Pacific Jewels Fans everywhere we are sorry we didn't tell you but she had a sore on her chin and we decided to keep her home from the cat show this week-end.Don't worry she'll be back in top form soon. Pacific Jewel is our special blue and cream nine month old, our newest champion!!!!!!Go to the kitten page to see some pictures of her relaxing at home.


Our road to finding the Turkish Van breed was quite by accident: In
1982, I decided I wanted a mackerel tabby cat to take the place of one that
had recently passed away. A rule was in place: there would never be only
one kitten (least it bug the older cats terrifically). At a pet shop in
Seattle, two littermates were selected - a tabby kitten which named Loki,
and a white kitten with auburn markings on the head and tail, and named
In 1985, I discovered a breed of cat that resembled Bastet -
the Turkish Vans - and started investigating the breed. While researching
the Vans, I moved to a farm. Bastet was lost shortly after
moving, and I was heartbroken. Friends found a nearly identical cat, but
it wasn't the same. In 1992, a real Turkish Van was purchased, a female
kitten from Doug Williams and Carol, named SummitSprings Ani.
Ani is "queen of the household - my first
purebred Turkish Van
Ani with her second litter --
Ani's first litter produced
Grand Premier WishnWhiskers Sir Spoticus
1996 - Best of Breed, CFA International Show
1997 - Best of Breed Premier, CFA International Show

In addition, Grand Champion Wishnwhiskers Lord
of the Rings

was 1997 Best of Breed Turkish Van in the Championship class
at the International Show.
Ani's Granddaughter WishnWhiskers Lady Corrina
Here is an image of Ani's.....
CH WishnWhiskers Lady Juliette
One of the studs.....
CH WishnWhisker Aneus
Breeding Philosophy/Kitten
Turkish Van Breed Profile (CFA) | Turkish Van
Standard (CFA)
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Copyright WishnWhiskers Turkish Vans
Logos & Graphics by H. Dohrmann, updated by James Mac Arthur