I was born in Germany from Polish parents during the post
war years "Baby Boom". Being displaced persons, with Poland still
under occupation, we chose Australia to settle. Dad had two years
work contract to pay off our trip to Australia and then we were on the
road to rebuilding our lives. I was bought up and educated in the
country, then moved to the city in pursue of the bright lights,
work and raising a family.
I have travelled to many destinations in this world including Europe, England and South Africa. In 1997 I went on a trip to California, through its Gold Country, the desert and the very high Sierra Nevada mountains, Tioga Pass (10,000 feet) with still 10 feet of snow on the ground. . .IN MAY!!! To beautiful Nevarda and the Yosemite & Sequoia Valley.
October 1998 I visited Vancouver, Victoria & Whistler in British Columbia, Canada. The facinating Kelowna wine region and then onto Toronto, Ottawa and Niagara Falls....p>
Niagara Falls must of had a magnetic attraction for me as I was back there in March 1999. This time with my new International Drivers License and a friend we headed out from Toronto via Ottawa to view "Monet" artworks in Montreal, then to play in the snow in Quebec City. We then crossed the border into Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont & New York. So where will I go tomorrow?
I hope u enjoy browsing thru the links of Australia on the previous page, I will be
adding more links as soon as I recover.
I live in the Forrest hills area overlooking the city of Perth. I enjoy painting in oils and watercolours, gardening on my property and camping in this wild outback. Life here in Australia is great and I am thankful for all the opportunities I was able to receive in my lifetime.
Last updated: May 10, 1999
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