Life's Journey, Southern Baptist, Sierra Butte Baptist Association, southern baptist Convention, California, Colusa, Christian, Christianity, Worship, disabilities, Polio, post polio syndrome, Personal Home Pages, James Goodin
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Well, here you are.....visiting my little niche of cyberspace.
Welcome , and thanks for stopping by "Life’s Journey". Life truly is a journey. It is a journey that begins at conception and ends with our death. The time element that keeps these two opposites apart is very uncertain. However, most people live as though they had all the time in the world. The hard truth is, our time here is as the winter grass in the sprouts up quickly, a luscious green; but under the noon-day summer’s sun it soon withers and is gone. In relation to eternity, our life is but a speck of sand on the shores of time. When we are born, we can be certain of at least one thing, death will summon and no one can disobey. Yet, most of what we dwell upon and deal with in this journey takes place some where in between. During this time, we are often confronted by life’s numerous difficulties, hardships, and even its unfairness’.

Whatever these difficulties, hardships, and unfairness’ may be, we all react differently. Sometimes it seems as though each one of them is like a wrecking ball which only swings in to shatter whatever glimpses of hopes and dreams we may attempt to grasp onto along life’s journey. I want you to know, THIS NEED NOT BE THE CASE IN YOUR LIFE! There is hope…….a sure hope! There is a choice you can make which will allow potential life shattering events to be transformed into life’s "building blocks". These "building blocks" or challenges can be used to strengthen you in ways you may never have imagined. Allow life’s journey to be one filled with hope and a future! Accept the challenge presented in the scrolling text’ll be glad you did!

A Few of My Favorite Links

Christian: School Related: Information On Polio: Great Search Engine Site:

A Few of My Favorite "Surfer" Friends
(not necessarily in order of appearance)

Dwayne Hodges; aka Bubba
Jill; aka Vanillasilk
Art; aka CHANT (my cuz)
John Lawson; aka Johnny
Larry Baker; aka Bakersan
Vince Lawson; aka Vinny
Don Clem aka DogHouse Don
Darryl Byrd; aka Delbert
Joey Perez; aka Joper007
Earl Britt; aka His
The Idaho Gang; aka Paula, Richard, & John; aka Cyborman

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I haven't been able to make many new changes to my site for quite some time. Hopefully, as my health continues to improve, I'll be able to freshen up the looks a bit and reorganize a few things.
Till next time.....jg

Guestbook Sign-in

This is one way I get to "meet" some of you. The world seems so big at times. However, the Internet has taken a step towards bringing us all a little closer together. I would greatly enjoy "meeting" you and, as long as you leave an E-mail address, I will personally reply to each and every one who Signs-In. Thanks again for your support!

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I have switched over to the GeoCities GuestBook. You should have no problems signing in. I hope this will also encourage more of you who stop by to take a little time and leave a note letting me know you have been here.

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times since April 13, 1998.

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Last Updated February 17, 2001