04/16/00 04:07:08
Name: Shirley | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Pastime: Surfing & Designing New Web Pages | What is your Favorite song: El Shaddai | Is Jesus Lord in your life: Yes! Praise God |
How big is your hard drive: Not Big enough |
Really enjoyed your pages. I am originally from Kentucky. Harlan area, and I like seeing the mountains whenever I can. Lovely pictures.
03/29/00 02:35:06
Name: Jacinta | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: chocolate | Your Favorite Pastime: writing poetry | Do you have a wave table sound card: yes |
What is your Favorite song: When the Morning comes | Is Jesus Lord in your life: yes | How big is your hard drive: I have no idea, and that is kind of a crazy question Dad. |
You need to put more pictures of me on here.
03/02/00 09:34:33
Name: Renate | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Your Favorite Food: vegetables, fruits |
What is your Favorite song: Mozarts little nightmusici |
Hi Renee is writting from Germany. I have found the sign what I have search. The tilde. In Germany the weather is cold and sunny. Just in time I am sitting on my desk in the office. have to write letters with the computer and now I write your mail. Please
give all my regards to your family - your wife - the children and the kids.
Renee - Renate
02/28/00 23:27:47
Name: Seth Collier | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: a mexican dish | Your Favorite Pastime: Hardcore bmx | Do you have a wave table sound card: not a whole one |
What is your Favorite song: a rock song | Is Jesus Lord in your life: Yes | How big is your hard drive: big and hard |
hey this is seth a friend of your son michael i lkie your web site its full of beauty. did you do your own html, well thanks for the great e-mail chat soon-seth and remember to P.U.S.H- pray until something happens and the pray some more
11/18/99 23:11:11
Name: hillbilly bill | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What is your Favorite song: the little man |
Is Jesus Lord in your life: Jesus | How big is your hard drive: not going to tell |
interesting I would say so,You are much advanced over people in hills check out my site see what I mean!!
11/12/99 04:18:58
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
09/04/99 15:06:01
Name: Glenda | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Your Favorite Food: corn |
Your Favorite Pastime: computer | Is Jesus Lord in your life: yes |
Thought your web-page was extremely nice...enjoyed the beautiful colors...
08/22/99 17:20:51
Name: Tree | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: All except greasy foods | Your Favorite Pastime: Dancing | Do you have a wave table sound card: no |
What is your Favorite song: do you know where you're going to | Is Jesus Lord in your life: Always. I always imagine he's standing beside me | How big is your hard drive: I ain't sure |
You feel free to bild this site. I've never seen a site with this content! You have your own style. Me too. It's difficult for me to decide. I just started the site so do not mind any errors.
Anyway, If you have time contact me, ICQ#45305979
08/22/99 17:19:42
Name: Tree | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: All except greasy foods | Your Favorite Pastime: Dancing | What is your Favorite song: do you know where you're going to |
Is Jesus Lord in your life: Always. I always imagine he's standing beside me | How big is your hard drive: I ain't sure |
You feel free to bild this site. I've never seen a site with this content! You have your own style. Me too. It's difficult for me to decide. I just started the site so do not mind any errors.
Anyway, If you have time contact me, ICQ#45305979
05/10/99 16:33:55
Name: James S Newsome | My URL: Visit Me | Your Favorite Food: beans&taters |
Your Favorite Pastime: guitar | What is your Favorite song: too many for 1 favorite | Is Jesus Lord in your life: YES8.6 |
How big is your hard drive: 8.6 |
04/18/99 14:17:32
Name: Steve-O | My URL: Visit Me | Your Favorite Food: books |
Your Favorite Pastime: trying out new pastimes | Do you have a wave table sound card: you betcha | What is your Favorite song: "Turkey Huntin", written by Steve-O |
Is Jesus Lord in your life: most of the time | How big is your hard drive: big enough |
I enjoyed your photographs and biblical comments of relevance. Thank you for some enjoyable moments and praise the almighty for technology that allows you to express his words and beauty.
03/27/99 18:00:07
Name: Ashley Kensrue | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Your Favorite Food: pizza |
Is Jesus Lord in your life: yes |
03/23/99 04:29:57
Name: dave brown |
My URL: Visit Me |
hey mike thought i would drop you a line from work i put your page in favorites on our pc at work
01/08/99 01:54:18
Name: Roger Hudnall | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: beans & tattors | Your Favorite Pastime: hunting &fishing | Do you have a wave table sound card: not |
What is your Favorite song: how great thou are | Is Jesus Lord in your life: jesus is lord of my life | How big is your hard drive: 2.3 |
The lord has blessed you with a great talent . thank you for helping us and giving us this great art . keep it up for Him
11/09/98 22:57:56
Name: bruce | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: steak | Your Favorite Pastime: outdoors | Do you have a wave table sound card: yes |
What is your Favorite song: many | Is Jesus Lord in your life: yes | How big is your hard drive: 3 hard drives 3,2 1 gigs |
enjoyed my visit. great pictures
10/18/98 23:55:46
Name: danny deanna page | My URL: Visit Me |
Your Favorite Food: burgers | Is Jesus Lord in your life: yes |
How big is your hard drive: webtv don't know |
10/03/98 21:19:33
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
06/30/98 00:45:25
Name: Michael W. Thompson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: Possum | Your Favorite Pastime: Wildflower Photography | Do you have a wave table sound card: nope |
Is Jesus Lord in your life: yes | How big is your hard drive: ENORMOUS! |
Looks like ya been doing some work on the 'ol homeplace...looking better all the time. Keep up the photography, too. I think your pictures are some of the better ones I've seen.
03/21/98 19:10:06
Name: Keith L. Klaus |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
see my CREATED EARTH DAY site.
Colossians 1:13 For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son,
14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
15 And He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation.
16 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-- all things have been created by Him and for Him.
17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
02/15/98 18:14:01
Name: Reid Bewski |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Great site. Keep up the good work.
Check out the Village of Ethelbert and District. I wonderful place for a vacation in the southern part of Manitoba, Canada. Skiing, fishing, Duck Mountains, snowmobiling and more. Don't miss this site.
01/31/98 21:31:54
Name: Dan Van Nice |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
01/21/98 02:06:48
Name: Mike York | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: Chicken...I'm Baptist | Your Favorite Pastime: Hasselling Jenny Mullins | Do you have a wave table sound card: No |
What is your Favorite song: Victory In Jesus | Is Jesus Lord in your life: Yes. | How big is your hard drive: 1.2 GB |
Good work on your homepage.
11/09/97 02:54:10
Name: Will | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: Chinese | Do you have a wave table sound card: I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. | Is Jesus Lord in your life: You bet! |
How big is your hard drive: only 500 megs |
11/04/97 01:57:43
Name: The Crusader (gary) | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: PIZZA!!!! | Your Favorite Pastime: Reading the Word of God | Do you have a wave table sound card: No |
What is your Favorite song: Power In The Blood | Is Jesus Lord in your life: Complete In Christ!!! | How big is your hard drive: 1.2 |
Good job, I will return often, I am working on my Web-Page now, will give it to you next time. Your friend & brother, The Crusader,"To Make All Men See"(Ephesians 3:9)
10/19/97 06:13:42
Name: MICHELE WILLIS | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: PIZZA | Your Favorite Pastime: READING | Do you have a wave table sound card: YES |
What is your Favorite song: AMAZING GRACE | Is Jesus Lord in your life: YES | How big is your hard drive: 1 GIG |
10/15/97 12:27:26
Name: Rob Figueroa | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: pepperoni pizza | Your Favorite Pastime: reading about religion & politics | Do you have a wave table sound card: no |
What is your Favorite song: All the King's Horses & All the King's Men by Petra | Is Jesus Lord in your life: Yes, since I was 17 | How big is your hard drive: not big enough |
I'm organizing an international Christian political party. Please visit my website too. You've some great links here. I must stop by again.
10/03/97 18:45:04
Name: Carlen Teninty | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your Favorite Food: Ummm...as long as it's food! | Your Favorite Pastime: SHOPPING!! | Do you have a wave table sound card: Huh? |
What is your Favorite song: "Faith, Hope and Love" by POG | Is Jesus Lord in your life: AMEN | How big is your hard drive: Big enough! |
Jesus loves me this I know...