Expecting twins -- more or less? Here are resources and information on multiple pregnancy and attachment parenting with twins.
Hi! I'm a mother of twin girls who were born in August 1995. (That's them up above at five months old.) When I was pregnant, I combed the Net for information about multiple pregnancy, childbirth, and raising twins. In my travels, I often came across similar requests from other expectant parents of multiples. After benefiting so much from the collective wisdom of the online community, I wanted to give something back, for all those who will follow in my virtual footsteps.
In these pages, I've put together lists of online and traditional resources about multiples and multiple pregnancy. Remembering how much I enjoyed reading birth stories during my pregnancy, I have written excruciatingly detailed accounts of my pregnancy, labor, and delivery. I'd also love to publish other personal narratives together with my own, so feel free to send me yours. Finally, I have attempted to fill what I perceive as an information gap on the subject of attachment parenting with twins by describing our own family's experiences.
As you explore the site you may discover sections that are unfinished, or find that I've failed to address the subject you're most interested in. Feel free to send me questions or comments directly. I'm lajones@geocities.com.
Now, get ready for life with multiples!
"I just found out I'm having twins!" Start your research with these books. Subject index and glossary of terms Online resources about twins and supertwins My pregnancy and birth story Other personal narratives Attachment parenting with twins Here's what has worked for us. General information on pregnancy & childbirth
Disclaimer: These pages exist for informational purposes only and solely represent the author's personal opinions and experiences. If you want sound medical advice, consult a well-trained medical professional or three.
Check back occasionally as I build the site. Last updated 26 April 1997.
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