Welcome to the Huggs' Home Page

11/2005: Wow - this site is a trip down memory lane now (a lot of it was last updated around July 2002, with a lot of it going back beyond that. I'll probably archive and replace/update it soon, but in the meantime, enjoy! 

General Topics
Who are the Huggs?

Where we've been / what we've learned...

Links to our Friends Sites ...about Harrisonburg, Virginia
Dawn's List of Links ...about DC!
Steve's List of Links ...about Cleveland, Ohio

E-mail the Hugg Family

The On-Line Photo Album
Steph & Seth
Seth's Arrival
1997 & 1998
Stephanie 1995
and 1996

This is visit number since 2:57 p.m., July 22, 1998.
This page last updated, June 28, 2002.


James Madison University - Comprehensive information on the University and its surroundings.

George Washington University - Comprehensive information on the University and its surroundings.
American University - Information on the University and its surroundings.
The DC "Metro" System - Probably the country's best mass transit system...and the one with the hardest URL to remember.

Case Western Reserve University - Comprehensive information on the University and its surroundings.
The RTA System - How to get around "The New American City"
The Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame - Official site
Cleveland Live - All about what's going on in Cleveland

Seinfeld Episode Guide - More than you should ever want to know.
CL!CK Active Media
Prophet - "leggomylogo"

Steve - the Logo Master

Jim Demes' Home Page - king of links, esp. music, comics, and TV.
Aaron Moffett's Swim Team Page -
George Washington University's Swim Team Page (check it out while it lasts!)
The Hamilton's Home Page - info. on Delaware City, Kristen and their house. Also includes a very well done memorial to Kristen's brother.
Mike Jochen's Home Page - info. on, well, Mike -- click and investigate.
Hugg Family Gen. Info - A growing site highlighting my genealogy efforts.