As I sit here I ponder over a few things and I would like to share them with you now. I, as well as a lot of my friends and family, have been through so very much as a result of the internet.Some good and some not so good. The not so good can hurt us as nothing else, for we are laying ourselves wide open here in CyberWorld. We speak with our hearts and minds and that is a very vulnerable thing to do at times.

What we must all keep in mind is that just as each and every one of us are real, so are the ones we interact with here.We are here for support, fun and many many other things. We have the power to make a very positive difference in peoples lives and on the other hand we hold the power in those same hands to destroy lives.We each need to know and keep in mind that the person we are dealing with may need an ear so to speak...or just to have a good time chatting with people with the same as well as different interests.

We may be talking to a man or a woman, adult or even a defenseless child. What we MUST keep in mind is that we are only told what that person allows us to know. Whether it be opening up and just confiding in someone or just your basic chit-chat. When someone comes to us to open up their hearts and minds to us we need to take the time and care to listen to that person as they did in choosing us to talk to. The games that are played here can be as deadly as the ones in the Real World. For this is a medium where all we know to use is our minds and hearts. We cannot see facial expressions or touch the person in any way other than in their hearts and minds. Just as I am real and writing this right now, the people I talk to here are just as real to me.
We see no color, no race, no creed even the financial status that one has. We are all the very same and equal here. This can be the best medium there is for that, for we do not judge by any of the things that we as humans judge in Real Time. We do not see the kind of houses others live in or the cars they drive. All we see is their text and trust me, it is all the same ....the only difference is the words.

What we all really need to do is kick back and just think....go ahead, it will only take a minute. If you trust one enough to go to them and talk to them and spill your heart to you want them to turn on you and do everything they can to destroy you? I think not. I truly think this is a great medium as we can share our hopes and dreams as we cannot do with people in Real Time for they would give us the funny looks if the dreams were a little odd. We do not SEE that here. We are each as unique and special here as we are in Real Time. That is a good thing and should be treated with respect. Think before you give someone advice..."Would I like someone to talk to me like this?" What if the person on the other end of that phone line was an innocent child, telling you he/she was 25 or so, as I myself have seen happen. I would hate to know a child did something totally crazy at my word. And I think all of you would feel the same way. We are all as vulnerable as children at times here and what another says to us could prove to be quite deadly. Think about that the next time you start to feed someone a line of crap. Think about reprocussions of what you might say.

Please, please keep in mind that just as in real time...the pain is the same and cuts every bit as deep....sometimes deeper. You are playing with hearts and minds here and you should handle those hearts and minds with as much love and care as you would your own Real Time Friends. Be respectful and kind and you get that in return. I will add a guestbook here for any of your thoughts or additions to this subject. Please by all means sign this and read others thoughts on the subject. You will be quite surprised to find that the things we all say and feel could be very helpful to one and even many people. If you touch but one heart in your life then you have made a difference. If we all touch someone just think what a great place this old world would turn out to be. May God Bless and keep each and every one of you safe and sound. Please remember to say a kind word to just one person today...*S*

"Your Input!" "Others Input" Guestbook by Lpage

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