1909 Page County Confederate Pension List

1909 Page County Confederate Pension List

After the Civil War ended the problem of disabled Confederate soldiers and Confederate widows came before the Virginia Legislature several times. In 1888 the Legislature approved payment of pensions of widows of soldiers killed in action or who died in service and those who were severely maimed while wearing the gray. In 1900, as the veteran population aged, some restrictions were lifted. In 1902 requirements were further eased.

The procedure followed was that the veteran or widow filled out an application for a pension. This pension was then presented to a local pension board for review. If this board approved the pension, then it was sent to the Auditor of Public Accounts for payment. The pension applications were not kept at the county level. The Auditor of Public Accounts published a list annually, by county, of the receipents of these Confederate pensions. This is that list for Page County in the year 1909.

The following list shows the name of the pensioneer, and the act under which they were drawing benfits. Contact the Library of Virginia for copies of the actual pension application if desired.

Batman, Benj. F. 1900
Foster, Grafton A. 1900
Keyser, Isaac A. 1900
Kibler, Jacob C. 1900
Knight, John 1900
Martin, W. A. 1900
Price, Thos. P. 1900
Purdham, Jas. T. 1900
Wilson, Wm. C. 1900

Courtesy of Jeff Weaver.

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