"Stonewall" Jackson |
Adjutant's Corner: A Letter from Robert MooreDear Fellow Compatriots:
Over the past year, the re-organization of the old Summers-Koontz Camp has gone extremely well! Numerous activities and events to protect our stand on history, our heritage and the flag will come to fruition in the upcoming year.
As this is our first newsletter (e-newsletter if you like), let me hear what you have to say. But please bear with me - this is the first issue of an ever-improving newsletter. Hopefully, as time goes on, there will be more features and details about "goings-ons" with the camp. One thing I would like to have is an "Honoring our Ancestors" - a brief column that would detail the service of each of our Confederate ancestors , as well as their lives before and after the war. (So, if ya gott'em, bring those service records and obituaries and pictures of either your veteran(s) or their gravesite(s) to honor them in our upcoming newsletters).
Follow the flying minie ball to our website!!!!
Summers-Koontz Camp #490 Home Page