Page County, Virginia's Confederate War Dead

The Battle of Romney/New Creek Station, Virginia
July 14, 1861

R.L. Booton, 1st Lieutenant, Massanutten Rangers, Company D, 7th Virginia Cavalry

William L. Miller, Massanutten Rangers, Company D, 7th Virginia Cavalry

The Battle of 1st Manassas, Virginia
July 21, 1861

John W. Bailey, Page Grays, Co. H, 33rd Virginia Infantry

John A. Comer, Page Volunteers, Co. K, 10th Virginia Infantry

Daniel Cullers, Page Grays, Co. H, 33rd Virginia Infantry

James H. Gaines, Page Volunteers, Co. K, 10th Virginia Infantry

David C. Jobe, Page Grays, Co. H, 33rd Virginia Infantry

Joseph Johnston, Page Grays, Co. H, 33rd Virginia Infantry

John W. Kite, Page Volunteers, Co. K, 10th Virginia Infantry

Philip B. Lucas, Page Grays, Co. H, 33rd Virginia Infantry

Robert Newman, Sgt., Page Grays, Co. H, 33rd Virginia Infantry

Siram P. Printz Page Grays, Co. H, 33rd Virginia Infantry

Battle of Kernstown
March 23, 1862

Ambrose Booton Shenk, Captain, Page Grays, Company H, 33rd Virginia Infantry

John J. Smith, Page Grays, Company H, 33rd Virginia Infantry

Death by Disease or Sickness

John S. Gibbons, Co. A, 8th Georgia Infantry - of pneumonia at Middletown, Va., July 21, 1861

8/29/61 William Sipe, Page Volunteers, Compnay K, 10th Virginia Infantry - of typhoid at Fairfax Station, August 29, 1861

9/9/61 William A. Mauck (97th Va. Militia, M, died of disease) 9/21/61 Joseph B. Baker (33-H, Typhoid, Centreville) 11/17/61 1st Lt. William E. Hite (33-H, typhoid, Front Royal) 12/2/61 William B. Grandstaff (7-D, illness at home)

Ca. 1862 Isaac Newton Abbott (Dixie Art., Consumption) Ca. 1862 James H. Abbott (Dixie Art., Consumption) 3/3/62 George S. Eppard, (10-I, pneumonia, Front Royal) 3/7/62 Geo. W. Huffman (10-I, typhoid near Manassas) 4/4/62 John H. Lucas (7-D, died of unknown cause at home) 5/20/62 W.H. Allen, 35-E, in Chimbo with disease but did he die? 8/20/62 John L. Corbin (Dixie, disease) 8/23/62 David E. Beaver (33-H, typhoid, Lovingston) 10/19/62 Joseph B. Cullers, (10-K, typhoid at home) 1/18/63 Alexander H. Koontz (33-H, fever Guinea Station)Lt. 5/20/63 William Stillwell (Danville Art., pneumonia, Richmond) 6/26/63 William H. Kibler (10-K, Place???) 10/1/63 Martin C. Kibler (7-D, fever) 10/19/63 Robert F. Nauman (10-K, lung infection, Fort Delaware) 11/63 Hamilton Fleming, (10-K, illness) 11/9/63 Mark M. Huffman, (10-K, Harrisonburg, lung disease) 1863 David T. Mauck (35-E, died of disease at home)???? 1863 Benjamin F. Wood, 10-K, Richmond Hospital NOT LIKELY, SEE B.N. Wood 3/29/64 Albert Tobin, 10-K, disease at Warrenton 4/1/64 Isabias A. Printz, 43rd Bttn Cav, C, at Kalorama Hosp, Old Cap. Prison of disease 4/15/64 S.T. Booton (33-H, pneumonia, Charlottesville) 7/8/64 George W. Williams, 33-H, unknown cause 9/11/64 John H. Brubaker (33-H, unknown cause) 9/16/64 Adam C. Rhinehart, 62nd – M, kicked by horse 10/28/64 Reuben Comer (33-H, pneumonia, Ft. Delaware) After 10/29/64 Andrew Rinica, 33-H, Hammond GH 1864 James R. Harris, (10-I, Point Lookout) ??? Exch 10/64 3/7/65 Andrew J. Kite (33-H, disease, Richmond) 4/12/65 John L. Milton (10-K, disease at Elmira) 5/11/65 Jacob F. Knight (33-H, disease, Pt. Lookout) 6/27/65 Sgt. I.N. Koontz, (7-D, Executed by Yankees, Rudes Hill) 6/27/65 Capt. George W. Summers (7-D, Executed by Yankees, Rudes Hill) 7/31/65 Joseph W. Bailey (or 8/1/1863?) 8/17/65 Daniel W. Secrist, 2nd Cpl., 10-I, Elmira 1865 Isaac A. Gaines (7-D, killed by Yankees after surrender)?? Was in Memphis with Guice after war
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