Union Ancestry
of the

Brothers of the
Maryland Department
Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War

The following chart shows Union soldiers who are distant grandfathers, distant uncles and cousins of SUVCW members currently maintaining membership in the different camps of the Maryland Department, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. By clicking on the numbers [e.g. "(1)," "(2)," etc.] immediately following the name of each veteran you will access an e-mail address for SUVCW members who are related to that particular soldier. Alphabetical characters (e.g., "(a)," "(b)," etc.) indicate that a SUVCW brother has done research on that particular Union Veteran, posted something on the Web, and is interested in hearing from others if they have information on that veteran.

The purpose of this matrix is to make SUVCW brothers aware of any other brothers out there who may have a common relative, ancestors in the same company or unit, or ancestors in units that may have fought in defense of the same parcel of ground at a particular battle.

We hope that you enjoy looking through this matrix and hope that it will be of service to you in finding out more about your Union ancestor, or, if not already a member of the S.U.V.C.W. or affiliated Orders, you may be eligible for membership through one of the soldiers named below.


Union Soldier or Sailor
State, Regiment and Company or Ship
Pvt. Calvin Guthrie (1) Alabama - 1st Alabama Cavalry, Co. I
2nd Lt. Robert Long Duncan (1) California - 2nd California Cavalry, Co. F
Capt. Henry Perkins Goddard (1) Connecticut - 14th Connecticut Infantry , Field & Staff
Sgt. Jeremiah G. Dunbar (1) Connecticut - 14th Connecticut Infantry , Co. H
Pvt. James Townsend (1) Delaware - 3rd Delaware Infantry
Pvt. John Armour (1) Delaware - 7th Delaware Infantry
Pvt. Samuel Armour (1) Delaware - 7th Delaware Infantry
Cpl. Stephen Armour (1) Delaware - 7th Delaware Infantry
Pvt. Jesse Sharp (1) Delaware - 9th Delaware Infantry
Pvt. Nehemish Sharp (1) Delaware - 9th Delaware Infantry
Sgt. Charles Wright Wills (1), (2) Illinois - 8th Illinois Infantry, Co. E
Sgt. Alpheus D. Brown (1), (2) Illinois - 23rd Illinois Infantry, Co. G/C
1st Lt. James Andrew Wills (1), (2) Illinois - 34th Illinois Infantry, Co. I
Pvt. Thomas G. Barton(1) Illinois - 36th Illinois Infantry, Co. C
Pvt. Addison Armentrout (1), (2) Illinois - 54th Illinois Infantry, Co. F
Regimental Quartermaster David McKinney (1), (2) Illinois - 77th Illinois Infantry
Lt. Col. Charles Wright Wills (1), (2) Illinois - 103rd Illinois Infantry
Cpl. Thomas Dennis (1) Illinois - 112th Illinois Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. Preston Newton Quick (1) Illinois - 118th Illinois Infantry, Co. H
Pvt. Norris Don Lyle (1) Illinois - 124th Illinois Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. Robinson Barr Murphy (1) Illinois - 127th Illinois Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. Daniel Fleming(1) Illinois - 136th Illinois Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. Samuel Thomas Quick (1) Illinois - 146th Illinois Infantry, Co. K
Pvt. Benjamin Franklin Kirk (1) Indiana - 17th Indiana Light Artillery
Pvt. Samuel Mortorff (1) Indiana - 7th Indiana Cavalry, Co. D
Pvt. John Annis Bennett (1) Indiana - 29th Indiana Infantry, Co. G
Pvt. Jackson R. Eaton (1) Indiana - 31st Indiana Infantry, Co. D
Pvt. Hiram Jackson Foltz (1), (2) Indiana - 85th Indiana Infantry, Co. D
Pvt. James Foltz (1), (2) Indiana - 85th Indiana Infantry, Co. D
Pvt. Worthy S. Saunders (1) Iowa - 4th Iowa Cavalry, Co. D
Pvt. Granville Sheley (1) Iowa - 10th Iowa Infantry, Co. F
Pvt. William Marion Sheley (1) Iowa - 10th Iowa Infantry, Co. F
2nd Sgt. Milton Lingo(1) Iowa - 22nd Iowa Infantry
Pvt. John M. Crow (1) Iowa - 22nd Iowa Infantry, Co. E
1st Sgt. John Kennedy Duncan (1) Iowa - 22nd Iowa Infantry, Co. G
Cpl. Louis Basile (1) Kansas - 9th Kansas Cavalry, Co. L
Pvt. William Carter Salmons (1) Kentucky - 14th Kentucky Infantry, Co. H/C
Capt. Samuel Kennedy Cox (1), (2) Kentucky - 17th Kentucky Infantry, Co. A & E
Capt. William Hardin Davison (1), (2) Kentucky - 17th Kentucky Infantry, Co. B
Pvt. Lewis P. Saunders (1) Kentucky - 23rd Kentucky Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. Jackson Davison (1), (2) Kentucky - 27th Kentucky Infantry, Co. F
Sgt. Charles Henry Downs (1) Kentucky - 35th Kentucky Infantry, Co. B
Pvt. Daniel H. Taylor (1), (2) Kentucky - 45th Kentucky Infantry, Co. F
Sgt. George Henry Gordon (1)Maine - 13th Maine Infantry, Co. I
Pvt. Abraham Dern (1)Maryland - 1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (Cole's Cavalry), Co. A
Pvt. Joseph Lake McKinney (1), (2), (3) Maryland - 1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (Cole's Cavalry), Co. B
Pvt. James Draper Moore (1), (2) Maryland - 1st Potomac Home Brigade Cavalry (Cole's Cavalry), Co. B
Pvt. John C. Emmerson (1), (2) Maryland - 3rd Maryland Cavalry, Co. G & H
Pvt. Earnest Smith (1), (2) Maryland - 3rd Potomac Home Brigade Infantry, Co. A
Capt. Adam Benjamin Martin (1) Maryland - 6th Maryland Infantry, Co. H
Pvt. John Thomas Misner (1) Maryland - 13th Maryland Infantry, Co. H
Capt. Leander King (1) Massachusetts - 16th Massachusetts Infantry, Co. C
Capt. Alfred F. Walcott (1) Massachusetts - 21st Massachusetts Infantry, Co. C
Pvt. George Feid (1) Massachusetts - 23rd Massachusetts Infantry, Co. E
Color Sgt. Thomas Henry Sheppard (1) Michigan - 1st Michigan Cavalry, Co. E
Pvt. George W. Hollenbeck (1) Michigan - 1st Michigan Sharpshooters, Co. H
Cpl. William Herbert(1) Michigan - 11th Michigan Infantry, Co. C
Pvt. Norton B. Hathaway (1) Michigan - 13th Michigan Infantry, Co. F
Pvt. York C. Hathaway (1) Michigan - 13th Michigan Infantry, Co. F
Cpl. James A. Graves (1) Mississippi - 1st Battalion Mississippi Mounted Rifles, Co. G/E
Pvt. John Riley Hollingsworth (1) Missouri - 15th Missouri Infantry, Co. G
Pvt. Edmond Perry (1), (2) Missouri - 18th Missouri Infantry, Co. F
Pvt. William Driscoll (1) Missouri - 21st Missouri Infantry, Co. I
1st Sgt. Francis M. Richards(1) Missouri - 24th Missouri Infantry, Co. K
Sgt. Maj. Josiah W. Taylor (1) New Hampshire - 11th New Hampshire Infantry, Co. I
Pvt. Peter Cheesman(1) New Jersey - 10th New Jersey Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. Joseph M. Clayton(1) New Jersey - 29th New Jersey Infantry, Co. K
Pvt. James I. Wainwright (1) New Jersey - 38th New Jersey Infantry, Co. A
Sgt. Stephen Armour (1) New Jersey - 40th New Jersey Infantry
Cpl. Samuel George Fletcher (1) New York - 5th New York Artillery, Battery D
Lt. Henry Perkins Goddard (1) New York - 2nd New York Cavalry, Co. D (Harris Cavalry)
Pvt. Franklin Hutchins (1) New York - 13th New York Cavalry, Co. D
Cpl. Walter W. Smith (1) New York - 15th New York Volunteer Cavalry, Co. E
Pvt. George Oscar Jenney(1) New York - 26th New York Cavalry, Co. C
Sgt. Andrew Jackson Varian (1), (2), (3) New York - 1st New York Engineers, Co. H
Musician William Arbuckle (1) New York - 17th New York Infantry
Sgt. Sanford Hall Frankenberg (1) New York - 48th New York Infantry, Co. C
Pvt. Timothy O'Neil (1), (2) New York - 63rd New York Infantry
Pvt. Simon Costello (1), (2) New York - 67th New York Infantry, Co. B
Pvt. Barnaby Moscow (1), (2), (3), (4) New York - 98th New York Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. George Wesley Bennett (1) New York - 111th New York Infantry, Co. D
Pvt. Wesley Bennett (1) New York - 112th New York Infantry, Co. A
Cpl. Henry Tyler Caton (a) New York - 126th New York Infantry, Co. G
Pvt. Richard Lown (1) New York - 150th NYSVIR
Pvt. Ira Chubb (1) New York - 161st New York Infantry, Co. D
1st Lt. George Arthur Ege (1), (2) Ohio - 17th Ohio Independent Light Artillery
Capt. Charles Christoper Aleshire (1), (2) Ohio - 18th Ohio Independent Light Artillery
Pvt. Aaron Rife Jolley (1) Ohio - 18th Ohio Independent Light Artillery
Sgt. Henry Iden Jolley (1) Ohio - 18th Ohio Independent Light Artillery
Pvt. George Arthur Ege (1), (2) Ohio - 2nd Ohio Infantry, Co. F
Capt. Charles Christoper Aleshire (1), (2) Ohio - 18th Ohio Infantry, Co. G
Pvt. James Logan (1) Ohio - 25th Ohio Infantry, Co. F
Pvt. George B. Winkler (1) Ohio - 26th Ohio Infantry, Co. I (also Artificer, 1st U.S. Engineers)
Capt. David N. Prince (1), (2) Ohio - 42nd Ohio Infantry, Co. B & I
Pvt. Christian Norman (1), (2) Ohio - 45th Ohio Infantry, Co. E
Pvt. Martin Roush (1) Ohio - 56th Ohio Infantry, Co. H
Pvt. Benjamin F. Ford (1) Ohio - 57th Ohio Infantry, Co. A
Capt. Robert Hill Russell (a) Ohio - 66th Ohio Infantry, Co. G
Pvt. Charles McKibben (1) Ohio - 75th Ohio Infantry, Co. I/B
Pvt. Hiram Casselman (1) Ohio - 80th Ohio Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. Joseph Roudebush (1), (2) Ohio - 80th Ohio Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. William S. Roudebush (1), (2) Ohio - 80th Ohio Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. Christian Mumma (1) Ohio - 94th Ohio Infantry, Co. G
Cpl. John Curtis Cretcher (1) Ohio - 95th Ohio Infantry, Co. G
Musician Henry Ransbottom (1), (2) Ohio - 99th Ohio Infantry, Co. D
Pvt. Amos M. Albert (1) Ohio - 126th Ohio Infantry, Co. K
Pvt. Elijah Rothgeb (1) Ohio - 133rd Ohio Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. Edgar J. Trunick (1) Ohio - 143rd Ohio Infantry, Co. K
Pvt. George M. Roudebush (1), (2) Ohio - 157th Ohio Infantry, Co. K
Pvt. Henry Roudebush (1), (2) Ohio - 157th Ohio Infantry, Co. K
Pvt. Thomas Pollock (1) Ohio - 163rd Ohio Infantry, Co. C
Pvt. George Wechtel (1) Ohio - 182nd Ohio Infantry, Co. B
Pvt. Alexander McClure Linn (1) Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery I
Pvt. Emanuel Mortorff (1) Pennsylvania - 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Battery E (formerly 130th Pa. Reg. Vol., Co. G)
Pvt. George W.S. Mortorff (1) Pennsylvania - 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Battery E (formerly 130th Pa. Reg. Vol., Co. G)
Pvt. William Mortorff (1) Pennsylvania - 2nd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, Battery E (formerly 130th Pa. Reg. Vol., Co. G)
Capt. David McKinney Gilmore (1), (2) Pennsylvania - 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. D
Capt. William Edward Miller (a) Pennsylvania - 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. H
Pvt.John A. Armour (1) Pennsylvania - 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry
Pvt. David Linn Coyle (1) Pennsylvania - 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co., E
Pvt. Frederick Amos Alger (1) Pennsylvania - 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. M
Pvt. Andrew Jackson Foltz (1), (2) Pennsylvania - 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. K
Pvt. William E. Mortorff (1) Pennsylvania - 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. C (Irish Dragoons)
QM Sgt. Benjamin Franklin Crawford (1) Pennsylvania - 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. C
Corp. Walter Henry French (1) Pennsylvania - 17th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Co. D
Pvt. David McKinney Stewart (1), (2) Pennsylvania - 1st Pennsylvania Reserves, Co. K
Lt. Col/Brev. BG. William Warren Stewart (1), (2) Pennsylvania - 1st Pennsylvania Reserves, Co. K
Capt. Evan Rice Brady (1) Pennsylvania - 11th Pennsylvania Reserves, Co. K
Lt. Col. George Keyports Brady (1) Pennsylvania - 12th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. D
Col. Max Einstein (1) Pennsylvania - 27th Pennsylvania Infantry
Pvt. James Wade LaConia (a) Pennsylvania - 28th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. K
1st Sgt. Benneville Schlegel (1) Pennsylvania - 46th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. H
Pvt. Jacob W. Moyer (1) Pennsylvania - 48th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. A
Lt. Col. Harry White (1) Pennsylvania - 67th Pennsylvania Infantry
Pvt. Chrisley Nicholson (1), (2) Pennsylvania - 72nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. D
Col./Brev. Brig. Gen. William Andrew Robinson (1) Pennsylvania - originally 77th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. E
Pvt. Daniel Lundy (1) Pennsylvania - 88th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. E.
Pvt. Reuben S. Little (1) Pennsylvania - 91st Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. F
Pvt. Michael H. St. Clair(1) Pennsylvania - 97th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. A
Cpl. William H. Seifert(1) Pennsylvania - 97th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. E
Pvt. Jacob Phillips (1) Pennsylvania - 104th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. James McNeill 0 (1) Pennsylvania - 115th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. B
Pvt. Henry "Hiram" Meadows (1), (2) Pennsylvania - 143rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. E
Pvt. Benjamin F. Slusser (1) Pennsylvania - 181st Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. D
Pvt. George W. Slusser, Jr. (1) Pennsylvania - 181st Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. D
Pvt. George W. Slusser, Sr. (1) Pennsylvania - 181st Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. D
Pvt. Charles Dorshimer (1) Pennsylvania - 187th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. E
Pvt. Benjamin F. Slusser (1) Pennsylvania - 209th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. George W. Slusser, Jr. (1) Pennsylvania - 209th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. George W. Slusser, Sr. (1) Pennsylvania - 209th Pennsylvania Infantry, Co. A
Pvt. George McCann (1) Rhode Island - 1st Rhode Island Light Artillery, Battery F
Pvt. Noah Thornton (a) United States Colored Troops - 82nd USCT Infantry, Co. F
Sgt. Bernard Schulting (1) United States (Regulars) - 7th United States Infantry
Pvt. Joseph Shorey (1) Vermont - 2nd Vermont Infantry, Co. F.
Pvt. Carlton A. Woodcock (1) Vermont - 2nd Vermont Infantry, Co. F.
Pvt. Orcas C. Wilder (1) Vermont - 13th Vermont Infantry, Co. B.
Pvt. Orson Woodcock (1) Vermont - 13th Vermont Infantry, Co. C.
Pvt. Richard Adam Virts (1) Virginia - Independent Battalion (Mean's) Loudoun Rangers (Cavalry), Co. A
Lt. Benjamin McDonald(1) West Virginia - 7th West Virginia Infantry, Co. I
Pvt. Joseph Dorsey Bowers (1), (2) West Virginia - 12th West Virginia Infantry, Co. F
Pvt. Arnold Kimble (1),(2) West Virginia - 46th West Virginia Infantry (State Troops), Co. A
Pvt. John W. Ours (1),(2) West Virginia - 46th West Virginia Infantry (State Troops), Co. A
Capt. Justus Hull Potter (1) Wisconsin - 1st Wisconsin Heavy Artillery, Company E
Pvt. Albert Calkins(1) Wisconsin - 35th Wisconsin Infantry, Company A
Master's Mate George Arthur Ege (1), (2) U.S. Navy - USS Ozark

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