97th Virginia Militia

A Brief History of the Unit

(reference: A Guide to Virginia Military Organizations
by Lee A. Wallace, Jr.)

Originally enlisted from July 1 - July 7, 1861, the 97th Virginia Militia was primarily formed of Page County (at least four companies) men who had not already joined regular Virginia organizations. Twelve companies (A through M) composed this organization. Companies E, H, I, & K were exclusively commanded by Page County men (See the listing of companies and their commanders below).

The 97th Regiment was one of eight regiments and one smaller militia to make up the 7th Brigade under Brigadier General Gilbert Simrall Meem. Other regiments and organizations in the 7th Brigade included the 58th (Rockingham), 116th (Rockingham), 145th (Rockingham), Infantry Company Second Class Militia (Harrisonburg), 13th (Shenandoah Co.), 136th (Shenandoah Co.), 146th (Shenandoah Co.), 97th (Page), and the 149th (Warren) Regiments.

Commanded by Colonel Mann Spitler, the 97th was called into service by the Governor on July 13, 1861, to rendezvous at Strasburg, except for companies already ordered to Beverly. Available records give some indication that the organization may have been disbanded in April 1862 by order of General T.J. “Stonewall” Jackson. The likely reason behind this would have been the need to “activate” those men who were able-bodied and could serve in the regular regiments of Jackson’s army. Some men formerly from the 97th can be found to have later served with such units as the 10th and 33rd Virginia Infantry Regiments.

A quick review of the 1850 census for Virginia indicated where each of the captains of the respective companies was from and is indicated in brackets [ ]. Companies of the 97th Included:

  • A - Captain John E. A. Harris' Co. [Harris was from Augusta Co.]
  • B - Captain George Grandstaff's Co. [Grandstaff was from Shenandoah Co.]
  • C - Captain Amos Peter's Co. [Peters was from Hardy Co.]
  • D - Captain P.R. Bright's Co. [Bright was from Augusta Co.]
  • E - Captain David M. Dovel's Co. [Page Co.]
  • F - Captain Henry F. Bradley's Co. [Bradley was from Rockingham Co.]
  • G - Captain John H. Huffman's Co. [Huffman was from Shenandoah Co.]
  • H - Captain Hiram A. Kite's Co. [Page Co.]
  • I - Captain John D. Aleshire's Co. [Page Co.]
  • K - Captain Benjamin F. Shenk's Co. [Page Co.]
  • L - Captain Willis W. Rogers' Co. [Rogers was from ???]
  • M - Captain Thomas J. Graves' Co. [Graves was from Nelson Co.]
    The following is a list of Page County Confederate Veterans known to have served in the 97th Virginia Militia

    ALESHIRE, Abraham
    ALESHIRE, Christian
    ALESHIRE, Isaac
    ALESHIRE, John D.
    ALGER, Andrew W.J.
    ALTHER, Jacob

    BAILEY, James Harvey
    BAILEY, Joseph W.
    BAILEY, Strother
    BARHAM, Francis Marion
    BATMAN, John
    BEAHM, Daniel L.
    BEAHM, George W.
    BEAHM, Isaac S.
    BEAHM, Warner R.
    BEAR, Adam C.
    BELL, Joseph T.
    BERRY, Benjamin F.
    BERRY, John J.
    BEYLOR, John Grigsby
    BLACK, John E.
    BRADLEY, George A.
    BRADLEY, Henry F.
    BREEDEN, George W.
    BREEDEN, Thomas Sidney
    BRITTON, George S.T.
    BRUBAKER, Andrew J.
    BRUBAKER, George T.
    BRUMBACK, Isaac Newton
    BRUMBACK, William Henry
    BURACKER, James Monroe
    BURNER, Joseph Stover
    BUSWELL, Thomas
    BUTLER, Burwell
    BUTLER, Spencer S.

    CAMPBELL, Jr., William
    CAVE, Andrew W.
    COFFMAN, Benjamin Franklin
    COFFMAN, Daniel A.
    COFFMAN, David J.
    COMER, Emanuel
    COMER, Jr., Samuel
    COMER, Noah
    COMER, William C.
    COOK, Robert B.
    CULLERS, Eli
    CULLERS, James H.

    DADISMAN, John W.
    DEAL, James W.
    DECKER, Robert A.
    DOVEL, Daniel
    DOVEL, David M.
    DOVEL, Gordianus
    DOVEL, James Marion
    DOVEL, Lucius B.
    DOVEL, Peter S.
    DOVEL, Thomas J.
    DOVEL, William A.
    DUNCAN, Abraham
    DUNCAN, Addison A.
    DUNCAN, George
    DUNCAN, Isaac Newton

    EDDINS, John A.
    ELLIS, John A.
    EPPARD, George H.
    EPPARD, Wesley

    FLEMING, Noah
    FLEMING, Pendleton
    FOLTZ, George W.
    FOLTZ, Gideon
    FOLTZ, James F.
    FOSTER, Benjamin
    FOX, Benjamin Franklin
    FOX, George
    FOX, Henry
    FOX, Isaac
    FOX, John M.
    FOX, John W.
    FOX, Joseph Andre
    FRAZIER, William S.
    FREEZE, John
    FREEZE, John A.
    FRISTOE, William F.

    GANDER, Martin Van Buren
    GLENN, Mark T.
    GOCHENOUR, Daniel
    GOCHENOUR, Joseph
    GOOD, Abraham
    GOOD, James Madison
    GOOD, John L.
    GOODE, Allen W.
    GRANDSTAFF, Pendleton Hamilton
    GRAVES, Thomas J.
    GRAY, John Henry
    GRAY, Robert
    GRAY, William
    GRAYSON, Benjamin Franklin
    GREY, Emanuel
    GRIFFITH, George A.
    GRIFFITH, John W.
    GRIFFITH, Pendleton
    GRIFFITH, Silas
    GRIFFITH, William
    GROVE, John Pendleton
    GROVE, Joseph M.
    GUY, George W.

    HEISTON, Joseph
    HEISTON, Samuel
    HENRY, James H.
    HIGGS, Henry
    HIGGS, Thomas J.
    HISEY, Joseph
    HITE, Ambrose M.
    HITE, David C.
    HITE, Isaac M.
    HITE, Martin
    HOAK, Isaac
    HOUSER, Elias
    HOUSER, Joseph
    HUDSON, John W.
    HUFFMAN, Ambrose C.
    HUFFMAN, Andrew J.
    HUFFMAN, Isaac
    HUFFMAN, Jacob W.
    HUFFMAN, John B.F.

    JENKINS, Andrew R.
    JENKINS, Benjamin Franklin
    JENKINS, Elliot H.
    JENKINS, Henry
    JENKINS, Thomas A.
    JEWELL, John
    JOHNSON, Albert M.
    JUDD, John A.
    JUDD, Pearson
    JUDY, David F.
    JUDY, James M.

    KAUFFMAN, Joseph Franklin
    KEMP, Thomas M.
    KEYSER, Charles M.
    KEYSER, Isaac A.
    KEYSER, J.A.
    KEYSER, James H.
    KEYSER, Joseph
    KIBLER, Benjamin F.
    KIBLER, Franklin J.
    KIBLER, John W.
    KIBLER, Noah
    KIBLER, Pendleton D.
    KITE, Adam
    KITE, Albert
    KITE, Andrew jackson
    KITE, Hiram Jackson
    KITE, Jacob B.
    KITE, Jacob R.
    KNIGHT, Jr., John
    KNOTT, James H.
    KOONTZ, Harrison
    KOONTZ, Lewis C.
    KOONTZ, William

    LAWLER, Joseph H.
    LEHEW, James A.
    LEHEW, William B.
    LONG, Andrew Jackson
    LONG, Reuben
    LOWERY, James W.
    LUCAS, James Franklin
    LUCAS, Thomas

    MARTIN, John W.
    MARTIN, William W.
    MAUCK, John P.
    MAUCK, William A.
    MAYES, Henry Morgan
    MAYES, James Harvey
    MAYES, Lorenzo F.
    McALISTER, William
    McCULLOUGH, John Robert
    MENEFEE, George Garland
    MENEFEE, Hanson Jonas
    MENEFEE, Thomas L.
    MENEFEE, William B.
    MIDDLETON, Samuel
    MIDDLETON, William
    MILLER, Emanuel
    MILLER, Henry
    MILLER, Isaac
    MILLER, John
    MILLER, Samuel
    MODESITT, James R.
    MODESITT, James William
    MOYER, George W.
    MOYER, Henry C.
    MOYER, Joseph
    MUSSELMAN, Daniel

    NAUMAN, Christian
    NAUMAN, Robert F.
    NICHOLAS, George W.

    OFFENBACKER, Thomas M.

    PAINTER, Henry
    PAINTER, Joseph
    PAINTER, Peter
    PARKS, James
    POUND, James J.
    PRICE, Benjamin F.
    PRICE, John W.
    PRICE, Joseph T.
    PRICE, Noah A.
    PRINTZ, Bernard
    PRINTZ, Christian
    PRINTZ, Gideon S.
    PRINTZ, Jacob Preston
    PRINTZ, Lorenzo Sibert
    PRINTZ, Martin G.
    PRINTZ, Noah
    PRINTZ, William
    PURDHAM, James A.
    PURDHAM, Jeremiah

    RAMEY, William Benjamin
    REID, Peter C.
    RINEHART, Andrew J.
    RINEHART, Harvey
    ROBERTSON, James C.
    ROSENBERGER, John Wesley
    ROTHGEB, Alexander
    ROTHGEB, Ambrose B.
    ROTHGEB, Edmund J.
    ROTHGEB, Franklin
    ROTHGEB, Martin
    ROTHGEB, Solomon David
    ROW, David S.
    RUFFNER, Joshua
    RUFFNER, Philip
    RUFFNER, Reuben

    SAMUELS, Joseph H.
    SANTMYERS, John W.
    SHAFFER, Ambrose
    SHAFFER, Israel
    SHENK, Abraham
    SHENK, James H.
    SHENK, John A.
    SHENK, John W.
    SHENK, Joseph H.
    SHENK, William J.
    SHIRLEY, Martin V.
    SHORT, Amazon
    SHULER, Andrew J.
    SIDLINGER, John Henry
    SKELTON, Morgan
    SLUSHER, James Dallas
    SMELSER, Simon P.
    SMELSER, William F.
    SMITH, Abraham J.
    SNYDERS, John W.
    SOMERS, Martin
    SOURS, Bernard
    SOURS, Frederick
    SOURS, Isaac
    SOURS, Jacob
    SOURS, Samuel S.
    SPITLER, Mann
    STEP, David M.
    STEP, Samuel
    STOMBACK, David
    STOVER, Daniel T.
    STRICKLER, Joseph Thomas
    STRICKLER, Philip
    STRICKLER, Sylvanus

    TAYLOR, Thornton A.
    TAYLOR, William H.
    TUCKWILLER, William

    VANNORT, James E.
    VARNER, David K.

    WALKER, Samuel H.
    WARREN, James W.T.
    WEATHERHOLTZ, Benjamin T.
    WILSON, George T.
    WILSON, John S.
    WILSON, William C.
    WRIGHT, Benjamin F.

    YAGER, George W.
    YATES, William S.
    YOUNG, Charles A.
    YOWELL, Ambrose C.
    YOWELL, Isaac

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    These pages authored and maintained by Robert H. Moore, II.
    ©2000 All rights reserved.
    Robert H. Moore, II
    Page established: 03/22/00
    Last revised: 03/22/00