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Curriculum vitae

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My name is Dieter Hirschmann, born July, 29th1941 in Munic. In 1962 I joined the german Federal Navy and retired in 1970 as LtCdr.
After studying in Hamburg Economics and working for a chartered accountant, I was working from

1979 - 1984 in Kairo
1985 - 1988 in Monrovia
1988 - up till now in San Jose

In my 2nd marriage I have 3 Children. Apart from Genealogy as hobby number one, I'm a biker ( trip from CR to the States and back ),Marathon runner ( last Berlin 9/99 ) and a Collector of antiques, as mechanical Instruments, Clocks and Watches, Motobikes and old engines.

If the estimated visitor wants more information, please  do not hesitate to contact me.

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