Tanius & Mariam Cortas
Tanius Cortas, my grandfather, along with his brother came on donkey back from the village of Baskinta to study at the Brummana Boys School, around 1890. Tanius stayed behind, converted into a Quaker and joined the staff as a teacher.
Mariam Aswad, my grandmother,was born in Brummana, and attended the Girls school there. She too stayed behind and became a teacher.
In 1897, Tanius and Mariam got married, and started a long life together.
(I shall tell you more about their life later)
Below is their picture.
Tanius was a good teacher, liked by his pupils (I know this from a biography of one of his students. I also had this confirmed to me by an old shopkeeper Shebib Batrouny, who has since passed on, that my gradfather, known as Muallem Tanius (Muallem means teacher), was liked and respected by his students, of whom Shebib was one. Below is a picture of my grandfather with his Bible class students.
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