In The Name Of God Most Gracious Most Merciful
on the Map
Picture's From Bara's
The Latest Local News
about Bara
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Contents : | |
1- Introduction. | |
2- Location. | |
3- Area and population. | |
4- Verbal accounts. | |
5- Administrative development.. | |
6- Demographic structure. | |
7- The environment. | |
8- Soil. | |
9- Resources and economic activities in the province. | |
10- Education. |
The Province of Bara is one of the North Kordufan Region's four Provinces, extending from the east to the west with it's capital in Bara.
Bara province is located between latitudes 18-13 N and longitudes 58-45 and 48-31 E and is bordered by Um Ruwaba province, white Nile and Khartoum regions on the east, Al-Nuhud province on the west, Sodari province on the north and Shikan province on the south..
The area of Bara province is 54580 Sq. Km. Population
: 265,000 .
Bara area is located amid an area historically known as a
meeting point between western and Northern Sudan as camel
caravans heading towards Egypt and Al-Hijaz ( western
Sudia Arabia ) . that location had had it's impact on
the immigration of population , as Bara became the
residence of many tribes since ages .
Consequently the civilization of northern Sudan was
transferred to the area , particularly the introduction
of the irrigated cultivation in northern kordufan oases (
Al-Bashiri and Al-khairan ) with all practices and
products .
Oral heritage indicates that Bara town was founded
early in the 8th Hejiri Century ( Hijera is the year
of the Muslims era beginning with the prophet Mohammed -
peace be upon him - immigration ) before the Funj
Sultanate . the name of the town was first mentioned in
records in accounts about a war fought between Sultan
Hashim Al-Mussabawi against the Sultans of Fur Tribe and
wars between Sultan Hashim and Sultan Tairab .
Chief amongst historical incidents that occurred in Bara
Town were the death and burial of Sultan Tairab in 1768
and the birth of Sultan Mohammed Al-Fadul .
the arrival of Sherif Al-Makki Mohammed Osman Al-Merghani
in 1718 who married Sayda Ruqayyah Bint Jallab wad wadidi
( Arqayyah ) who gave birth to Sayed Mohammed Al-Hassan
Al-Merghani who was buried in Kassala , eastern Sudan .
the Merghani's are the founder of the famous Khatmiyyah
sect which spread widely in the north and eastern Sudan
This part of the greater Kordufan province was known
as north Kordufan center which used to extend from north
of Al-Obeid , the capital of Kordufan region , to the
borders of the northern region and the white Nile and
Khartoum to the East and the province of Dar Fur to the
west , it includes the Dar Hamid and Kababish nazarates
When local governments were established in 1947, rural
council of Dar Hamid was seated in Bara town and
afterwards the rural council of Kababish was established
in Sodari, located to the north west of Bara. The area
was named the northern area.
This administrative situation remained unchanged until
the local governments law was enacted in 1981 when the
Kababish area was separated and Bara area was
consequently named the central area .
The area constituted eight administrative units which
were rural council which had been merged into two
administrative units :
1- Bara
council ( comprising the councils of Bara town , Bara
rural council. Jereijikh rural council, Umm Qarfa rural
council and Umm Sayyala rural council).
2 - Umm Kereidim
rural council : ( comprising. the council of Umm Kereidim
, rural Tayba council and Al-Mazroub rural
The central area was later named Bara province to include
eight local councils :
Bara town local council, Bara rural area counil , Tayba
rural council , Umm Kereidim rural council, Al-Mazroub
rural council , Jereijikh rural council, Umm Qarfa rural
council and Umm Sayyala rural council ).
The province of Bara is generally inhabited by a rural
population (95%) . they belong to varying branches of Dar
Hamed tribes and Majaneen, Jawamaa, Baza?a , Bani Jarrar,
Jawabra, Rikabiyya, Jamou?iya and Ja?aliyeen
All these ethnic groups along with tribes of northern and
central Sudan are represented in the province?s capital,
the town of Bara, in a homogenous urban environment
The province is situated in the poor Savannah area where rainfall average is around 300mm per year without even distribution but in some seasons it goes down to 150mm. Some valleys traverse the north eastern area which flow in times of heavy rainfall.
The provinces soil is mostly sandy in the form of
permanent and shifting sand dunes . however some muddy
areas , called khors, exist at khors and the banks of
The area is mostly covered by Savannah trees of acacia
species which is an important source for grazing, in
addition to shrubs and grass , which density is governed
by the level of annual rainfall and protection against
Since the advent of the century, the area suffered
repeated waves of drought . literature about the
deterioration of resources and the beginning of what is
now termed as desertification , appeared since 1926. The
situation exacerbated as the climate changed towards
drought due to a drop in rainfall levels, the abuse of
agricultural resources , overgrazing , deforestation and
removal of the greenery. The area suffered severe drought
and desertification especially in 1974,1984 and the early
years of the 1990s. the natural environment deteriorated,
production collapsed and consequently the socio-economic
situation exacerbated leading to the emigration of the
population from most parts of the province to Khartoum ,
the northern region, central kordufan and abroad. The
province began to seek relief aid from other areas in the
country and abroad , for an area noted for its high
productivity of grains, milk and dairy products, and wild
Despite deterioration of the natural environment and
the scarcity of rain in the province , the province is
still boast of important natural resources including
underground water basins in the central and northern
parts of the province. The climate is also appropriate
for the breeding of livestock especially sheep, goats and
camels as well as irrigated agriculture particularly
These resources had not been exploited in an optimum way.
The population still depend on seasonal rain-fed
agriculture, animal husbandry, tiny and depleting
plantation of vegetables in oases based on this
agricultural activities, local trade was limited due to
the decreasing production and the poor transportation
which created difficulties in carrying production and
marketing .
The province lost its active markets of gum Arabic at
Mazroub and livestock in the eastern area following the
deterioration of the natural resources. In stead small
markets emerged in sub-districts affecting the major
market in bara . in addition the whole province departed
from the production of rain-fed agricultural products
which had been vital to trade.
The economic situation deteriorated further after the
Khartoum-El obeid highway was constructed which led to
deserting of bara-Omdurman rough road which pass through
jabra, umm garfa and jereijikh.
The province is rich in raw materials necessary for the
manufacture of glass, as well as for the production of
salt and lime in addition to potential availability of
other minerals which are yet to be proved.
The province of bara enjoyed education since the rule
of the funj sultanate . famous khalwas ( irregular
schools for teaching qur?an, Islamic studies, principles
of writing and reading and mathematics ) like wad
doulib?s in khorsi, masseed of faki musa abu janazeer ,
massid of mohammad kunya and masseed of faki awad in
bara. In addition to khalwas of haj al-layyin ,the khalwa
of wad kaddam in mazroub , khalwas of umm saadoun
al-sharif , abu nuwwar, al-shuwak, al riyadh and
As for regular education it began with the opening of
bara elementary school in 1912 and bara girls school in
1939. Bara eastern elementary school , formerly masseed
of Mohammed Saleh, was opened in 1945. Sub-grade schools
(which provides education up to grade three)
spread in northern kordufan after the year 1945. Because
the province did not had its satisfying share of schools,
considerable effort was made by citizens to open private
elementary schools followed by intermediate schools
during the rule of president Ibrahim Abboud ( 1958-1964).
Until recently there was only one boys? secondary school
in the province. Girls education has been so weak as the
only relatively complete school is Taha al-Sayed Al-Roubi
school in bara. Later umm garfa girls? school was
established. As education is the main tool of development
and progress on all levels, great efforts should be
exerted by the province?s citizens to spread education
and to eradicate illiteracy.
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Copyright © 1997 [Ehab Mohamed Nour Abdalla].
All rights reserved.
Last revised: 23/9/1997.