Maryland Sons & Daughters of The Pilgrims National Society Ladies of the
Grand Army of the Republic


Ann Arundel Chapter DAR

Lupkes Genealogy Web Pages

Traverse County, Minnesota

The Town of Harpswell, Maine

The Town of Bowdoinham, Maine 

Snow or Brides Cake

Small Genealogy Web Pages

The Town of Bowdoin Maine

The Town of Kittery, Maine

Town of Falmouth, Maine is up for adoption! 


 WWII 5th Army 169th Corps of Engineers

 Santa Ynez Historical Society Museum & Parks-Janeway Carriage House

U.S.S. San Francisco (CA-38) Association

Elder William Brewster Society


The music you are listening to today is " Fruit of Love" by Anthony Holborne who died in1602

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This page last updated May 16, 2002

Web page by C. LaRue copyright 1997 - 2002