When God Ran

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Hello! My name is Laurel Villas and I am the wife of a great man named Andrew and the mother of 3 sons, Michael, Frank, and our youngest son, our 6 yr. old, Ian. I have known the Lord personally since I was 4 years old when I asked Jesus to come into my heart and life.
I would not have thought a child so young could truly experience a realationship with a the living God had I not done so myself! From the very beginning the Lord has been VERY real to me. And all these years He has never left my side...or my heart.
Life is hard, but God is good!!! I live in Queens, NYC, and with my family attend New Life Fellowship Church, Senior Pastor, Peter Scazzero. We are blessed with a very loving and alive congregation. In this church body Andrew serves as an elder and I work in our Center for Emotional Health and Spirituality, an offshoot ministry of NLF developed to accomodate the response to our Pastor Pete's book, The Emotionally Healthy Church. On this website I plan to share inspirational quotes, thoughts, and scriptures and more. I hope you are encouraged and challenged by what is here.
Truths to Live By
Christ is not valued at all unless He is valued above all...... St. Augustine
You're born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there's a loophole..... Billy Graham
Loyality to Things is Addiction, Loyality to God is Freedom .......Unknown
Do you ever sit down and wonder what is wrong with the world? Do you ever ask yourself why it is that Christians seem to have so little influence, why they seem to achieve so little, for all their numbers, in putting the world right? To each of those two questions there is ultimately but one answer. It is this: we lack the mind of Christ....... J. Arthur Lewis
Knowledge is vain and fruitless which is not reduced to practice...... Matthew Henry
Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil's reach as humility..... Jonathan Edwards
If we get our information from the biblical material there is no doubt that the Christian life is a dancing, leaping, daring life...... Eugene Peterson
If these quotes have inspired you, you may find more on my More Truths to Live By page.

Why not start out on my site, with a good devotional for the day! Once refreshed there, (be sure and bookmark it!) return here to browse through all my pages here.


Truths the Lord Has Shown Me Personally
"Freewill is a precious gift, use it wisely."-L. Villas
"If we live for life's comforts, then we never truly live." - L. Villas
"Fear does not come from God, therefore never make decisions
based on fear." - L. Villas

It may surprise you to know that Christians today are being persecuted and even killed. To find out more and what you can do about it, check out this page: Persecuted Chrisians & The Interfaith Alliance for Chrisitan Human Rights

NEW POEM - Go to my Poems & More page to
read OURE BLESSING FROM ABOVE, a poem a friend of mine wrote about a great gift. Also included are my poems, WHO IS HE?, JESUS, MY HOPE & COMFORT, and MY GUARDIAN ANGEL. Near the bottom of this page is WHO AM I?, an adaptation of author Neil Anderson's book
Victory Over Darkness. These are wonderful scriptures to affirm believers of who they really are in Christ Jesus!

Be sure an stop in on Laurel's
Heavenly Links.
Included here are some really interesting
places to visit!

Recommended Reading List for the Righteous (LOL) is where I
get the pleasure of sharing with you the titles of the many books I have been thrilled to read and have touch my life. I hope you
get to read some of them and let God use them to change your life too! <

Heavenly Lane Awards Page

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Now with my original Geocities Icons too!
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