Whisper Kitty's Home Page

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I'm sure many of you are wondering how this web page got its name "Whisperkitty". To find out the answer - click here.

At this site you will find links to Our Genealogy, Pet Stories and Kitchen Hints. There is also a "Given Name Index" to help you find out where that given name or that odd spelling came from, or what a particular nickname stands for.   If you don't find the name you can submit the name you are looking for to me using the form provided.  I will respond as soon as possible.

I hope that you will visit Whisper Kitty often as I do plan on updating regularly  . (Or at least as time allows).


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A little about me. My first name is Mari Lynn, (pronounced Marie Lynn). I have 4 children and 4 grandchildren.  My hobbies are genealogy, cooking, vegetable gardening, hiking, crocheting and sewing, building web pages, reading, some television and of course, the grandchildren.

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Don is my husband, and his hobbies are "Computers". With Don, that pretty much says it all. His idea of relaxing is to sit down with a computer technical manual for some "Light Reading". But occasionally we go up to the mountains and do some hiking. (Don is known to spoil me rotten according to my dad).

I've been an amateur genealogist for the past 18 years. But it's a hobby that I only recently have been able to pursue more steadily. The Given Name Index is because I have always been fascinated with Given Names. Where they come from, or what spelling represents what nationality. I think it comes from having an unusual given name myself.

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 I am a diabetic, so my kitchen pages will eventually lean towards low fat / low sugar menus. I love to cook and I hope to eventually share some of my recipes with you. But for now, there are some helpful hints, and ideas about what basic cookware is needed in a kitchen, as well as what seasonings go with what types of foods best.  If you have any diabetic recipes, especially vegetarian, I would love to include them on this page.

The Pet Pages are because Don and I are both animal lovers. Whisper is our baby now. Make sure you read about him. He gets very depressed when people don't read his story. He's really quite the sweetie.  You can see a picture of him in his playful mode at the top of the page.  (According to my Grandma, Don spoils Whisper too!)

Don and I also enjoy watching certain television shows.  Our Favorites can be found on our "Favorite Links" page.   There you will find a wide variety of our favorite internet links that range from television shows to reference tools to graphics sites.  Make sure you check it out.

Whisper loves music, especially Celtic and Classical.  Whenever I am working on the computer, he wants me to put on a CD for him.  He will meow and keep getting in the middle of things until I do.   Then he goes and lays down and goes to sleep.

If you find any problems on any of the pages, please let me know.  For those of you who have not visited before, I have recently done a major renovation of this web site and there may be a few bugs still along the way.

Thank you for visiting the WhisperKitty Web Site.

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 Copyright © 1997 by Mari Lynn Balden, All Rights Reserved