Hi! This is my guestbook. Please sign it. Thank you

11/12/99 04:15:40
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook

Marry - 02/13/99 00:45:31
My Email:Marry1012@webtv.net

Its a great page. See I did sign it.

Gary W. Barnhardt - 02/09/99 11:29:09
My Email:Garybarnhardt@tippertie.com

Cool Site! Nice work.

Jonathan Gandy - 10/15/98 21:39:09
My URL:/EnchantedForest/Tower/9438/
My Email:jcg@tstar.net

Just surfed in, and sure like your pages. We have a New JUST FOR KIDS MAGAZINE. Please come visit and sign our guestbook.

10/03/98 21:17:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Bob Grimes - 06/03/98 14:20:29
My Email:bgrimes@juno.com

I'm always curious.

Randy - 12/16/97 22:36:57
My Email:sueran@mcione.com

I was just checking.

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