Self Reflection I I am the soul. I am the life. I do not have a form or a shape a mind or a face. I am me, the life, the energy. I am not the palpitating heart, I am what makes it drum to the rhythm of time. I am not the blood that slides through your veins, I am the energy that spurs it to flow. I am to the body what the flame is to the candle. I am the energy that cradles your being, the way the flame cradles its innermost blue. I am the life in you. I am the life that flows in each branch, each stem, each leaf. I am the bloom in a flower, I am the scent. I am the force that opens each delicate petal to the sun's inviting rays. I am the sweet seductive scent in each rose, the sharp sting of the pine cone. Look in the mirror and see not your face and your body, for there have been many. Many a time have I looked in the mirror and have seen a different face, a different body. For the body is nothing but an empty vessel. I am what fills it and gives it existence. Look in the mirror and see not your face. See me the soul. For I am you The real you The only you.
4 am series I I choose to go out naked into the world again. I do fear the seasons as they change, the burn of the summer sun, the bite of the winter breeze. But, naked, I know I'll be guarded by the weathered rocks, sheltered by the promising trees. I choose to go out naked into the world again. To portray vulnerability in it's purest form, to let the spirit dance to the hum of the moon's falling grace. I will remove all blindfolds, to embrace the master spirits in all their human forms.
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