Now presenting:

Images of Rachel Xiuying

Home from the Peoples Republic of China

Born July 27, 1997
Gaoming City, Guangdong Province, PRC
Adopted December 23, 1997

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen...
Heeeeere's Rachel!!!

This is Rachel's referral picture, the first photo
Mom and Dad ever saw of her. The lady
holding her must have had really tiny hands.

Rachel's and Mom's 1st Meeting, 12/24/97,
at the Welfare Institute in Gaoming City.
Rachel was very tiny; Mom was very happy.

Rachel's and Dad's 1st Meeting, 1/1/98.
Dad was thrilled!
Rach, on the other hand, was not so sure.

For more recent (but not very recent) pictures of Rachel Click Here.

"A Passage to the Heart!"

The Website of Families with Children from China
is loaded with information about Chinese adoption.

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