Welcome to my Credits Page...and first in the PLACE OF HONOR

This background created for me by Noodle...

In an effort to be fair and not forget anyone who has done alot of hard work...this page is dedicated to all the people and places that I've found wonderful graphics, backgrounds, html help, midi files and anything else I may or may not have used.
I tried real hard to keep track of what came from where...but now I'm not so sure I know who did what. This is the only way I can think of to not forget anyone.
All of these links are to wonderful sites that have everything you could possibly want or need.

Great sites for your page design needs...

Great sites for your page design needs...

Background Graphics

The Midi Farm

The Animation Factory

The Music Room

ICONStructions Inc.-Icons & Animated Cursors

Southwestern Creations

Fairy Borders Sets

Flame Extinguishers

Some Music for your browsing pleasure...

Follow me to JP's Jukebox

NOTE: To avoid having my email address collected by search engines on the net I have put an X in the address

Please remove the X before sending your email to me


Visit my Missing and Exploited Children Page

Visit my Policemen's Memorial Page

Visit my "TRIBUTE" page to my grandparents

Check out my FAVORITE LINKS Page

My "future" GENEALOGY Page


Visit My "HUMOR" Page

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